Being “ME”  

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It’s been really long that Write Hand has not interacted with you, reason!! May be it’s trying to recollect itself. Anyways the topic this time may appear to be quite puzzling, most of you will think that its something related to me and my life’s problem but it’s something which includes each of us. What do we feel when we think about our self? How does it sense being your self to others and to you expressly? It will be little tedious to clutch the actual sense of it, because we never feel so accountable towards our self in order to justify our identity to our soul. Obviously it does not affect that what others think about us but still we are always worried for their responses and the ways they should think about us.

Unquestionably we feel so privileged being our self though we keep on complaining about life and the problems it has gifted to us. And I wonder how others always assume that the person around them has more luck and fewer sufferings! Although we are also others to someone else yet we are different and happier. Become moneyed and famous is one our castle in Spain that’s why we think that being Anil Ambani, Shahrukh Khan, Bill Gates, Ratan Tata, Manmohan Singh is the best one can ever be in life. But does it make any sense that we forgot the advantages of being our self just to taste the regal cuisine of others! Could these eminent personalities ever think of going out in the market to taste the spicy street food? Could they think of making probable plans for their weekend other than planning out their business trips? They don’t know how it feels to manage a dinner date with girlfriend having fewer pennies in pocket. They celebrate victory by opening up bottles of sparkling wine with ten people but miss the chance to share a crazy shout and tight hug with thousands. Shares, acquisitions, mergers, mutual funds, dividends sounds so classy but do they sound more vivacious and soothing than movies, street food, hang over, bunk, savings, roses, play stations!! The point is not to criticise the value of money but to realise the more imperative and precious things in life which are priceless. Being them is a materialistic task but being “ME” is an exquisite and laborious task.

Being “ME” is a fascinating fact that inspires to live more, do more, have more. But some hows at some point of time it arrests our self to the limited and meticulous doings.  We are not any public figure so can not examples our self so let’s talk with reference to a public figure. Anna Hazare is a great socialite; he is being supported by the millions of Indian for his kick against corruption but what would he do if he needs to be little flawed at any point where he does not have any apt option to move out. Either he has to surrender himself or has to adopt that option. Thus being him restricts himself at times to some extent, so is the case with us. Each of us has some certain characterised habits and deeds that are being expected from us by others. Willingly or unwillingly we have to trail the path which we have beached for us. If I please each of my friends every time, help them as and when they needed then I can not even dare to think of not pleasing or helping them at any point; though even may be I am not so able or in a perfect situation to do so. Because if I do so they would hardly accept it, In fact I shall not be able to deal with such situation, as never faced it before.
 So it really counts by others that how well you perform being your self and it really matters that how well you enjoy, live, gain, sacrifice by being “ME”.

Indian Psychology can be Pan-Human, voice experts at Amity University Jaipur  

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Jaipur, 8th August, 2011. The International conference on “POSITIVISM: PATH TO SUCCESS,

SATISFACTION & BLISS” concluded with the valedictory address by Chief Guest Prof. Dr.

J.P. Singh, Member Secretary, Rehabilitation Council of India who advised students to stop

being critical and try to be happy. Sharing his experiences with the august gathering, he said that

consciousness level of every person with disability need to raised which is a very challenging

task. In our sub conscious mind we have negative attitude towards people with disabilities,

whereas there is a need to look within ourselves with compassion towards these persons. He

advised students to bring attitudinal changes in society through positivity so that every citizen of

the country can be a happy citizen.

Dr. Ashok K Chauhan, Founder President, Amity Group attributed the success of conference

to the participation of over 300 eminent psychologists who came from all over the globe to

promote Positivism. He said that success in life is so easy but satisfaction, pleasure, bliss and

happiness in very rare combination which one must achieve. He advised students that through

positivism, right attitude and behavior, any one can face all adverse situations of life. Share and

care is the mantra of changing one’s life, opined Dr. Chauhan.

Thanking the participants for contributing their valuable views on the issue of Positivism, Mr.

Aseem Chauhan, Chancellor, Amity University Rajasthan commented that Positivism will

become a revolution in the country now and through this conference, a road map will be laid to

see how to catalyze this movement and take it to the common man, which will benefit millions of

people around the Globe.

Prof. Dr. Raj Singh, Vice Chancellor, Amity University Rajasthan spoke on the need

to document the Wisdom that is scattered all over the country and make the World look at

Positivism which, till now has been ignored. He advised the students to make the maximum use

of the knowledge shared by the experts and implement happiness and well being in day to day

The concluding day of the conference started with the Plenary session on “Positivism,

Community Wellbeing and Peace” chaired by Prof. Uday Jain, Former Vice Chancellor,

Rewa University. During the session Prof. K. Ramakrishna Rao, Chairman, Indian Council

of Philosophical Research, New Delhi spoke on the topic “Yoga-Advaita Psychology: An

Inclusive psychology for the future in which he laid stressed on the imbalance that exist

between external material and internal spirituality. He called upon the need to create a new

paradigm in Psychology which can bridge the gap between external material and internal

spirituality. Prof. Rao echoed that “We in India have a very rich tradition which is not to be

forgotten. We need to awake ourselves which will help in bridging the imbalance in western

countries. Indian psychology can be Pan-Human - which means that Indian psychology

should be followed around the globe by way of spirituality. Citing the example of India which is

more tolerant towards people wherein an immigrant, a woman and Christian is a most powerful

woman of India whereas the state of our own women is not so progressive. Such disparity would

however will not be tolerated in foreign countries. Citing the example of Gandhiji, Prof. Rao said

that the satyagrah offered at the right time, right place can not fail. Prof. Rao said that desire to

have more and more wealth is an unending cycle where mind gets trapped and there is a need to

control mind to achieve happiness. Affluence has increased and there is decline in morality, this

gap can only be filled with spirituality.

Prof. Sharda Nadram, University of Applied Sciences HAN, Netherlands made a

presentation on “Regulatory focus and mindfulness in enterprising behaviour: Drivers of

Positivism”. Her paper explored mindfulness and its multi dimensional benefits for individuals

in general and more specific enterprising behavior. She argued that enterprise is the broader

concept that entrepreneurship.

175 research papers were presented during the three day conference.

Presenting her paper on “Impact of yoga on emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence

and psychological well being in male and female yoga practitioners”, Prof. Safia Akhtar,

University of Rajasthan said that Yoga is a holistic approach which aims to make a dramatic

difference in the quality of our lives. Her study concluded that spiritual intelligence is more in

females than males through Yoga and more Yoga practice would mean more psychological well


Another paper presented by Prof. Anjana Purohit, Arts & Commerce Girls College, Raipur

on “Impact of spiritual practices on Happiness in middle Agers” stated that at every stage

of life, happiness is influenced by a number of factors. Success in a chosen vocation, which

brings with it prestige, financial rewards and improved social status for a family, goes a long way

toward making middle age a satisfying period of life for men. Satisfaction in middle age women

depends mainly on the success with which they are able to adjust to the changes which contribute

to their role in home making.

A study was conducted by Prof. Jitendra Mohan, Panjab University on the topic “Aggression,

passion and sports motivation among school children” on a sample size of 60 students in a

age group of 11-14 years and 30 students in the age group of 15-18 years which suggested that

there was more aggression and physical anger and hostility in the age group of 14 years whereas

there is an increase in harmonious passion and intensive motivation in the age group of 15-18

years of school children, if they adopted at least one sport during school.

Papers were presented on the topic “Happiness across the life span: A cross sectional study”

presented by Prof. Punam Midha, Rohtak University who stressed on the fact that happiness

is an art of living but to remain happy is a challenge. Prof. Midha opined that as age increases,

happiness decreases. Maximum happiness is at age group of 10-15 years of age. This age group

is the golden period of life. Minimum point of happiness is at age between 75-80 years. Prof.

Midha also observed that age group of 30-39 years is the age of mid life crisis

Prof. Meena Jain, University of Rajasthan presented her paper on “Connecting Spiritual

Intelligence with Emotional Intelligence” which enlightened the concepts of Spiritual

Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence as a tool of positive psychology for routine activities.

Spiritual Intelligence brings us mental peace and raises our consciousness while emotional

intelligence represent an ability to reason with emotions.

Papers were also presented on Meditative and Relaxation Techniques / Integrated Medicines

and Mental Health by Prof. K.B. Kumar, Sweekar Institute of Rehabilitation, Hyderabad.

Parenting stress and coping: An approach to epilepsy by Dr. Vasundhara Kumari.

Emotional intelligence and occupational stress: A study of Indian medical professionals by

Dr. Aparna Singh including 40 other papers.

Through training Positivity can be inculcated at Work Place Says experts during second day of the International Conference  

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Jaipur, 7th August, 2011. The second day of the international conference on “POSITIVISM:
PATH TO SUCCESS, SATISFACTION & BLISS” started with the topic “Positivity and
its impact at Workplace addressed by Prof. Upinder Dhar, Vice Chancellor, JK Laxmipath
University, Jaipur wherein he laid stress on inculcating Positivity which always starts from
the top and flows downwards to the lowest level of the organization. To promote Positivity
amongst the employees, he advised organizations to conduct training programs on regular basis
which will help reduce stress and imbibe feeling of belongingness amongst the employees. He
emphasized that people with positive attitude are skilled at creating, noticing and acting upon
chance opportunities which should be shared amongst the colleagues. Negativity is too draining
and Contagious, he opined.

During this plenary session on Facets and Applications of Positivism on today at Amity
University Rajasthan. Dr. M. Thirunavukarasu – President, Indian Psychiatric Society chaired
the session.

Presenting his paper on “Positivism and Religion: From Positivistic to Social Constructionist,
Prof. Uday Jain, Former Vice Chancellor, Rewa University, stressed that Positivity is
comprehensive and includes all domains of life. Only philosophy and religion could construct
positive health and meditation is the technique to promote Positivism.

Prof. K.B Kumar, Sweekar Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences, Hyderabad made a presentation
on “Positivism and Quality of Life” which stressed on spirituality being a fundamental vehicle
which can exist both with and without a religious framework. Spiritual well being is the
indication of quality of life thereby leading oneself to positivism.

The concurrent sessions on Positivism in relation to Indian Heritage, Religion and Spirituality,
was chaired by Prof. Upinder Dhar and Prof. Malvika Desai from IIM Shillong, which laid
stress on how religion and spirituality lead to well being and happiness since it derives from
optimistic and positive attitude to life. Presentation were made on “How religion help the elderly
population where they can find meaning in life and get sense of belongingness.

Papers were presented on the topics such as Positivism-Community Health and QOL was chaired
by Shri Sudhir Pratap Singh, IPS Rajasthan Police , Positivism and Occupational Wellbeing,
Positivism and Youth Development, Positivity and Spirituality chaired by Prof. Upinder Dhar,
Shri Sudhir Pratap Singh, Prof T.B Singh, Prof. Dwarka Pershad, PGI, Chandigarh and Prof S.D

Sharma respectively. Prof. Prasad advised adolescents to have a positive attitude towards life
which could open golden gate for their future and .

Topics such as the Potential Role of spirituality in the well-being of the aged, The core of
Transpersonal Psychology in the Fold of Positivism, Community Health Psychology along with
other perspectives were thoroughly discussed. The sessions were insightful and topics for future
studies were discovered.

The con-current sessions were followed by a enlightening meditation workshop by Dr. Rick
Levy- Director, Levy Foundation, USA and an Interactive Poster Session by Prof. Waheeda
Khan from Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi.

A training cum workshop was conducted by Dr. Rick Levy of Levy Foundation, USA
on “Healing the mind and soul” through hypnosis and meditation, deep breathing and
by chanting OM. During the workshop he shared his with the mesmerized audience the
techniques to shift into the second gear of deep breathing in which one moves from a level of
consciousness to deeper level of consciousness, in other words one moves successively from
consciousness to sub consciousness and then to individual super consciousness and finally to
universal super consciousness. After the workshop each and every participants felt rejuvenated
and fresh in mind and soul.

The second day session concluded with a breath taking cultural performance by the students
of Amity University including a spell bound dance performance on displaying MATURITY
through dance, music, drama depicting the various stages of life from child hood to youth to
middle age to old age and finally achieving Nirvana and how one can be happy in all these
stages of life through Positivism. A colorful Rajasthani dance was presented by the students
familiarizing the foreign delegates with Indian culture.

International Psychology Conference on "POSITIVISM": Inaugral Day  

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Jaipur, 6th August, 2011. Following the grand success of the Ist International conference on Positive Psychology in 2010 under the dynamic and visionary leadership of Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, the founder president of the Amity Group of Institutions, Amity University Rajasthan (AUR) inaugurated its second international 3 days psychology conference on “POSITIVISM: PATH TO SUCCESS,SATISFACTION & BLISS” on 6thAugust 2011. Shri Aimaduddin Ahmad Khan (Durru Miyan), Hon’ble Minister, Medical & Health, Family Welfare, Ayurved and Medical Education, Govt. of Rajasthan was the chief guest and Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan was the guest of honour for the event.

The aim of the conference is to provide a common platform to the world's leading psychology experts, professors and research scholars to explore practical ways to achieve positivity with conceptual clarity of thought. The conference focuses on concepts of Positivism, Hierarchy of mind, Applications of Positivism  and value based quality of life.

Hon’ble Chief Guest, the Minister Shri A. A. Khan (Durru Miyan) said that “Tolerance, patience, harmony, mutual respect, feeling of love and brotherhood are some very important things to live successfully in the society and these can be only achieved by Positivism. He expressed his concern on excessive greed, lust, corruption, dishonesty, jealousy etc. which are eroding the social and moral pillars that strongly effect global, social- familial and individual well-being, growth and development of any country. He suggested that through Positivism people will learn to co-operate and act collectively to preserve our natural resources. He related Positivism with ‘eudaimonia’ which means feeling good, contended and satisfied and further added that the quotient of positivity is directly related to happiness and social, physical, economic and educational security.

Dr. Ashok K Chauhan said that “success without satisfaction and bliss is of no importance and therefore Positivism will help change the life of every citizen. Attributing his success to Positivism, he said 95% of my success is because of the positivity in my life.”

Hon’ble Chancellor, AUR- Shri Aseem Chauhan warmly welcomed the Galaxy of leaders, Professionals and experts to the conference and said Positivism has to become a mass movement so that human mind can be controlled. He called upon youth to pledge ‘to be part of a solution and not a problem.’

Hon’ble Vice Chancellor AUR Prof. Raj Singh stated that this effort is the result of Jaipur Declaration 2010 and proceeds with the same objective. He added that all the Hon’ble guests at the event are embodiment of Positivism themselves.”

Addressing the august gathering Prof S. S. Nathawat- Conference Director announced to continue the movement of Positivism by organizing satellite conferences in campuses of Amity on Jan 20th 2012 at AUUP- Noida, Feb 23rd and 24th 2012 at AUUP – Lucknow and on March 23rd 2012 at AUH.

The first day of the conference began with a Plenary Session chaired by Dr. Rick Levy- Director, Levy Foundation, USA on Positivism: Global Perspective where topics like concepts of mental health, positivity and its relation with pleasure, happiness and bliss were discussed. Also Prof. Sangeetha Menon emphasized on wellbeing and its implications for brain and consciousness studies. Rick Levy concluded the session by highlighting the relationship between Atma and Parmatma with special reference to Yogananda. Following the plenary session, two concurrent sessions were organised on Positivism, Meaning and Purpose in life and Dimennsions of Positivism respectively, which gave insight on issues like Positive Ageing, The Moral Values of Buddhism and Moksha: attitude of psychophysical distancing.

More than 300 research scholars, Pschycologists, scientists and academicians from premier institutes and universities like Delhi University, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Jamia MiliaIslamia University, Banaras Hindu University, IITs, IITs, IIM-Shillong and DRDO will deliber on the topics such as Understanding Pleasure happiness and Bliss, Authenticity: A key to positivity in life, Positivism and its Impact at Workplace, Psychology and religion: From positivistic to social constructionist and many others.


Amity University Rajasthan organizes International Conference on Psychology “POSITIVISM”  


Jaipur, August, 2011. After the grand success of the conference on Positive Psychology in 2010 under the dynamic and visionary leadership of Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, the founder president of the Amity Group of Institutions, Amity University Rajasthan (AUR) is organizing its second international psychology conference on “POSITIVISM: PATH TO SUCCESS, SATISFACTION & BLISS” on 6th, 7th and 8th August 2011. Hon’ble shri A.A. Khan, Minister Medical & Health. Will be the chief guest and Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan will be the guest of honor for the event.

The aim of the conference is to bring together the world's leading psychology experts, professors and research scholars to explore practical ways to achieve positivity with conceptual clarity of thought. The conference focuses on concepts of Positivism; Hierarchy of mind, Applications of Positivism and value based quality of life.

The deliberations in various presentations, discussions and sessions during the conference in 2010 highlighted the importance of positive orientation in life. As a result Jaipur Declaration 2010 for Positivism was made. The conference this year continues with the same spirit.

Dr. Rick Levy, Prof. S.D. Sharma, Prof. Sangeetha Menon, Prof. Girishwar Mishra, Dr. M. Thirunavukarasu, Prof. K. Ramakrishna Rao along with many other eminent professors and experts, from India and abroad will be participating in the conference. More than 300 research scholars from premier institutes and universities like Delhi University, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Jamia MiliaIslamia University, Banaras Hindu University, IITs, IIM-Shillong and DRDO will also be a part of this event.

The three days’ conference includes Keynote addresses, Panel discussions, Symposiums and Research paper & audio-video presentations and plenary sessions.