Amity University Rajasthan organizes International Conference on “Green Biotech: Recent Trends & Innovations”  

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November 12th, 2011. The two-day International conference on “Green Biotech: Recent Trends & Innovations” was organized by Amity School of Biotechnology and Pharmanext at the sprawling campus of Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur.
The Chief Guest Prof (Dr.) Asis Datta, founder director of National Institute of Genome Research and former Vice Chancellor, Jawahar Lal Nehru University, spoke on “Dream to bring science to society.”
He apprised the audience of the status of genetically modified plants in India and the myths associated with it. His message to the youth was that “the road to success is always under construction”.
Dr V.P. Kamboj, Chairman Biotech Consortium of India ltd also explained as to how genetically engineered plants and microorganisms can improve food and health security in India and the world. The chancellor Mr Aseem Chauhan also expressed his belief that green biotech is the future.
Dr. Cristina Cruz from University of Lisbon & Portugal, who was the Keynote Speaker, highlighted the importance of Bio-fertilizers in food security.
Prof. Ajit Verma, Director General Amity Institute of Microbial Technology, Noida, spoke about the fungus Piriforma Indica, which was isolated from Thar Desert of Rajasthan. According to Dr Verma, the fungus has great potential for use as bio-fertilizer and Bio-pesticide as has been shown in field trials in Punjab, Madhya Pradesh & NCR.
Prof Raj Singh Vice Chancellor of Amity University Rajsathan, while welcoming the guests highlighted the importance of the conference in the contemporary scenario. Mr. Harish Pal, Editor in chief of Pharma Next, proposed the word of thanks.
                                         Dr.Asis Datta, Dr. Raj Singh & Dr.A.N. Pathak releasing the soveneiour
                                                     Dr.Cristina Cruz-FCUL, Portugal

Connexions- The official Launch of "Cine Feel" at Amity University Rajasthan.  

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October 10th, 2011. Amity School of Languages in association with Amity School of Communication organised "Connexions" an event to launch "Cinefeel" the multi lingual Cine Club of Amity University Rajasthan. Dr. Rajendra Padture Head of Department - European Languages, Rajasthan University was the cheif guest for the ceremony. The objective of the club is to impart practical learning of various languages among students and to introduce them with the culture of different countries through the cinema.

Various Songs and Acts were  performed by the students of Amity University Rajasthan in various languages. Cheif Guest Dr. Rajendra Padture appreciated the effort made by the students in performing songs and acts in foreign languages and was impressed with initiative taken by Amity University Rajasthan for introducing a brand new pedagogy in the feild of Language learning.

 Prof Dr. Raj Singh Hon'ble Vice- Chancellor Amity University Rajasthan also congratulated students for the hillarious performances and threw light on the importance of cinema in cultural exchange and language learning.

On 13th October 2011 the first movie of the club "La Grand Voudraille" will be premiered at 5.30 pm at AUR Campus.


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By: Romi Singh

Time doesn't wait for u
nor for me..
Days pass and years go by..
we miss our loved ones.
we move away from our close ones.

As our life changes so do our dreams and priorities. Friends change ..people and places do get changed.But those red and blue moments are still twinkling in our hearts .Making us happy in sad times ..and sometimes sad in happy times.As we all know that the wheel of life is tied with so many strings from friends to family..from child games to school hours from college days to work hours and as of a trend of this modern world yours girlfriend silly long talks and frequent fights...Personal space is somewhere a bit lost isn't it?

I find my hours and days too short too explore the world and discover its short to seize my golden moments with my close short to walk and touch the glittering dreams of my life.

I am not so grown up and nor so wise enough but yet can watch and hear the TIME marching in its own rhythm. My MOTHER NATURE losing its greenery day by day and the empty spaces filling up with black and white cattle .The world loosing its glory and each day crime coming up with a new story..Bonds and emotion in all hearts and soul have gone dried fetching for just love and trust to quench their thirst .Words have turn into swords and people ready to play with each other blood just for foolish ego and revenge have gone so wild and behaving like a silly child.

If i my whisper is loud enough and if i am able to touch all my readers wandering thoughts all i wanna say is that life is too short to be wasted on unworthy matters . Discover your own self and get yourself free from this tug of war of time..Don't get so much trapped in this materialistic noisy world that you are not even able to see the shadow of thou's walk of life..Wait ..Watch and Enjoy ..before the glass of time gets empty from your life.

Oldest Memory - A Remedy  

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Do you ever feel low and due to lack of guidance feel sick and stuck? I know most of us do. And if you don’t, then sir, I tag you awesome ... you need not read further.

But the ones, who do feel that way, shouldn’t worry. It’s human. We all have our bad moments/phases in life. We commit mistakes, we fall, we get up again and life keeps rolling like that. Isn’t it? I’m discussing this with you today because my that phase is on. Yes, that phase when you cry ugly rivers of tears cursing your life, yourself and everyone around you asking - can life be anymore worse?

I know it’s a common thought. Most of us tell/ask ourselves all these things. But, do we all get our answers? I don’t. I never did. In 19 years of my age, I dunno how many such low-down-sulking moments I have faced but conclusion? I’m nowhere near that word. Why though? May be because I’m not looking for it? May be because there isn’t any?
Guys, we all are like those bunnies in wheels. Running full circle. Getting confused, taking wrong decisions, regretting, falling, trying to correct and repeating. And trust me, stopping this ritual, is kinda hard. Not that I’m trying to tell you that your life is always going to suck like that, but there is nothing wrong in it. It’s a part of growing up. It depends on you how you deal with it. Degree of depression depends on your mindset. Losing a pet, say a dog, can depress me to the core, but to someone like Atul, probably won’t even affect! And that is exactly why you shouldn’t run around searching for generalized answers or advices. Because there is no one on earth who knows you better than you do.

So what is it that you should do to get over this phase if not seeking others advice or help?

Do you! (No pun intended)

If you haven’t already understood what I meant by that then let me tell you a little more specifically. In such phases/moments of dilemma, in spite of looking around the world for answers, search yourself. And if you don’t know what to look for, within (which most of us don’t) go figure, idiot!

Anything that gives you peace of mind is your answer! In my case, the answer I found out wasn’t even related to my problem, but it still helped. Provided me respite from thinking crap about me and the world.
Want to know what I did? I was trying to cry, last night, because I was really frustrated. But tears won’t come! I was shocked, cuz I am a person who cries too often and very easily. And then I noticed something, which was obvious but I cared to look deeper.


I am changing. Venting your frustration out through crying was MY method earlier. Now it’s not. Since when? There are changes taking place in me and I’m not even aware of it? Disgraceful!

So what do I resolve to now, in order to take my frustration out? How do I take it out ... what did I do the last time I was this frustrated? And in the process of finding answer to that, what I did was an intense scan through myself.

I sat and started thinking of the last such memory. I didn’t want to get stuck in reverse, so one after one I went back to all the major incidents of my life. With this, memories that I didn’t intend to recall too flashed in my mind. Which made me curious and I suddenly forgot my problems and started looking for my first/oldest memory. It took me time, but I finally managed to discover my oldest memory.

It’s with my Dad and my first cousin; I was one and a half year old, then.In order to reach here, to my first/oldest memory, I unfolded SO many chapters of my life. Some of those were full of awesomeness, some of those were sad, some of those were total waste of time, but all of them carried an encrypted message within them. And so now I know that, the moment I decipher each and every message these chapters of my memory carry, that moment I’d learn how to break this full circle of agony I keep running into.

After doing this, my problems didn’t solve, neither did I feel content, but I have a remedy now. I have a treatment to fill in this cavity. That first memory. It makes me smile, fills me with joy, calms me down, refuels my thoughts and energizes my body. In simpler words, makes me feel alright on my own.

So Amitians, the next time you are sulking, don’t open and read your horoscope/tarrots or get drunk and call up your friends or do any such horrible thing (I know almost everyone of us has done things like this or things even more stupid, haha) Just find out that one thing (relevant or irrelevant) that will help you making your peace.

Btw, ever wondered which is your oldest memory? Try it ... it’s fun! xD

SANGATHAN 2011-At a Glance  

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The flourishing uninterrupted another rota of SANGATHAN in its fourth year started with a bright and sunny weather at its peak and the cold breeze announcing the onset of winters, AUR thus, witnessed the opening of Inter-Amity Annual Sports Meet-SANGATHAN. The event was honoured by the presence of the Chief Guest, Maj. Gen J.K. Singhla , the  Vice Chancellor of Amity University Rajasthan ,Prof. Dr. Raj Singh , Director of Administration , Retd. Col K.V. Singh and the HOI’s and faculty member. The ceremony began with the Saraswati Vandana, followed by a cultural dance. It was then followed by the hoisting of the National Flag, which embarked the start of the march past. The sports activities of the day began with the 100 meters race followed by a Tug of War between Undergraduate and Postgraduate students, where the undergraduates outshone as winners. Besides this, the day also witnessed the semi-final volley ball match between ECE and CSE where CSE won with a close margin of 21-19.
Day 2 started with kabaddi semi finals match between B-tech ECE and MIT in which EC qualified for the finals.  In long jump, Ravi Bhushan(EC) stood victorious with a jump of 19.2 feet and in girls, Bhumi Joshi(11.7) secured the first position. . The volleyball Boys semi-final took place in which MBA secured a comfortable victory against AIIIT.
Day 3 started with 200m race (girls & boys) ,in which Bhumi Joshi and Sanjay Tanwar secured the first position respectively. In the volleyball final B-tech CSE won against MBA. Aalap Mehta won the fourth consecutive gold medal in golf. In 400m (girls & boys) Srishti and Nishant rana won the race respectively
After 4 days of action and excitement, Sangathan 2011 came to an end with the promise of coming back the next year with more to experience. The morning started with the much awaited cricket match between the staff and the faculty. The day continued with 400m relay, in which CSE and AIB won in the boys and girls category respectively. The day also witnessed a football exhibition match and the prize distribution ceremony. It was graced by Mr. M.S. Chudawat, who was glad to be a part of this affair and congratulated the students for such a wonderful display of talent, skill and sportsmanship.. The Vice Chancellor of AUR, Dr. (prof) Raj Singh, paid a sincere gratitude to everybody for their teamwork and praised the efforts put in by the students, staff and the faculty. The day ended on a good and joyous note with the sound of victory and sportsmanship ringing in the air.


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Day 3: The day proved to be a sport’s extravaganza for everyone, those who participated and even for those who watched. The bright and sunny day started with the 200m Race (girls) in which Bhumi Joshi (MIC) secured the first place, closely followed by Rasna Singh (Biotech) and Deeksha(ECE). This was followed by the 200m Race(boys) in which Sanjay Tanwar(MIC), Nishant Rana(B tech CSE) and Radheyshyam(M&A) secured the first, second and third positions respectively. The other events of the day included the football semi-final between MBA and ALS (Law) in which MBA won 1-0 in the extra time and qualified for the finals against ASET. The day also witnessed the Volleyball final between MBA and B-tech CSE, in which, after competing neck to neck, CSE finally stood victorious in the 5th set. The Golf finale took place at Rambagh Palace Golf course, where the four qualifiers proved their expertise in golf. After a close match between Aalap Mehta and Varun Kaslival(Law) which ended in two tie breakers,  Aalap Mehta(ECE) finally won by 1 shot and continued his legacy for the fourth consecutive year. The day progressed with the Kabaddi finals, in which B-tech ECE won against MBA. Besides this, the day also saw the 400m Race(girls) in which Srishti(Law) secured the first position followed by Era( ECE) and Anuradha and the 400m(boys) which saw Nishant Rana(B-tech CSE), Sanjay Tanwar(B-tech EC) and Vikas(AIIT) as victorious.
With that we saw a successful and fruitful end of the third day of the annual sports meet. Sports was in the air and with that was the feeling of brotherhood and oneness, which brought together the whole university to act as one and accomplish the goal of conducting a successful sports meet.


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The day opened on a bright and warm note, with the Kabaddi semi final match between B-tech ECE and MIT in which ECE players outshone their skills and qualified for the finals. The day progressed with the boys Long Jump, in which Ravi Bhushan(ECE) stood victorious with a jump of 19.2 feet,  closely followed by Sanjay Tanwar (18.11) and Radheshayam (18.6).  Followed by this, was the girls Long Jump in which Bhumi Joshi (11.7), Urvashi Yadav (10.6) and Rasna Singh(10.3) raised the flag of victory ,securing the first, second and third positions respectively. Besides this, the Volleyball (boys) semi-final took place, in which MBA secured a comfortable victory against AIIT and qualified for the finals, where they will be facing B-tech CSE (Pool A). MBA also won the second Kabaddi semi final, against Biotech and made their way to the finals, in which they will be playing against ECE. The day also witnessed the basket ball semi – final rematch between AIB(biotech) and ALS(Law) and AIB won again with a considerable margin .Followed by this, the prize distribution for the day’s events took place.

The evening saw rigorous qualifiers for the 200m and 400m race. Some of the qualifiers were Nishant Rana(CSE) , Radheshyam(M&A),Mezbin(CSE), Aayushi(ECE)Bhumi(M&A), Sugandhita(CSE)and Era(ECE).

With that we saw the dusk of another eventful day, where the best of Amity’s talent was displayed and the qualities of sportsmanship, hard work, unity, perseverance and team work saw new heights.


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DAY 1: With a bright and sunny weather at its peak and the cold breeze announcing the onset of winters, Amity University, Rajasthan, witnessed the opening of Inter-Amity Annual Sports Meet-SANGATHAN. The event was honored by the presence of the Chief Guest, Maj. Gen J.K. Singhla , the  Vice Chancellor of Amity University Rajasthan ,Prof. Dr. Raj Singh , Director of Administration ,Retd.Col K.V. Singh and other HOI’s and faculty members. The Vice Chancellor welcomed the gathering and congratulated the students stating, “Sports has always been an integral part of  the holistic development in Amity and it is continuously growing at a high pace. “ Maj.Gen J.K. Singhla was happy to see the Amity campus come up so well and encouraged the students by saying , “ sports is an important part of life and even those who participate are equal winners.”

The ceremony began on an auspicious note with the Saraswati Vandana, followed by a cultural dance. It was then followed by the hoisting of the National Flag, which embarked the start of the march past. The university march past was led by Anshu Kheda, the University Sports Captain. All the departments displayed a drill in synchronization with the pipe band of Mahar Regiment, after which the sports captain of various departments took the oath, pledging to keep up the glory of sports and abide by the rules in good spirit. Following the oath ceremony, the Chief Guest and the Vice Chancellor declared Sangathan open, which was marked by the release of doves, a symbol of peace and unity.

The sports activities of the day began with the 100 meters race, where Moinak Saha(ECE) and Bhumi(M&A) came out victorious. This was followed by a Tug of War between Undergraduate and Postgraduate students, where the undergraduates raised the flag of victory. Gordhan Singh won amongst the horse riders with four penalties in the horse riding display.

Besides this ,the day also witnessed the semi final volley ball match between ECE and CSE where CSE won with a close margin of 21-19. The other victors of the day were Preeti (ECE) and Pawan Chaudhary (Mechanical) in Shot-put, Amit Yadav and Preeti in Javelin and Anurag Chaudhary(BJMC) and Urvashi in Discuss throw. The winners of the cricket finale, that was held on 25th September, Pool A, were also awarded today.

With that we came to the end of an eventful day, with a promise to bring in more action, enthusiasm and display of sportsmanship in the upcoming three days.

National Conference on Data Management & Security  

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Jaipur,Sep22,2011- Under the aegis of Amity University Rajasthan, Amity School of Engineering and Technology along with Amity Institute of Information Technology, organizes a 2 day National Conference on “Data Management and Security” which was inaugurated today on 22nd September 2011. Dr. Sai Narayanan was the chief guest of the inaugural ceremony. The inaugural ceremony also witnessed the release of Souvenir. Addressing the occasion Dr. Sai Narayan said that Data Management is becoming a serious issue with every passing day and every academic institute, student and faculty can make a difference in this field by conducting various research
activities which can be beneficial in future. The conference was also graced by a renowned internationally acclaimed dignitary Mr. Adi Narayanan Vemuru, CTO & Co Founder, I. Flapp Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Singapore.

The conference aims at stimulating discussions on various emerging trends, innovation, applications and new directions in the field of Data Management and Security, which is the need of the hour. A plenary session on Role of Knowledge & Data Management in Vertical Sectors and four concurrent sessions on Data Management : General Issues chaired by Dr. Swati V Chande, Data Management :Emerging Trends chaired by Dr. Bhaskar Biswas,
Data Management : Advancements in Network Technologies chaired by Prof Deepti Mehrotra and Knowledge Management and Security chaired by Dr. Abhay Bansal were organized.

Speaking on the occasion, (Prof.) Dr. Raj Singh- Vice Chancellor Amity University Rajasthan stressed on the developments taking place in the IT field and drew people’s attention towards a very important fact by saying, “ That the time has come when bystanders can bring a revolution in the field”. He also added that, “ Its not the
technology that matters but its ultimately how we use them”.

The conference received overwhelming response from academicians and researchers from all over India. Over 100
research papers have been received which are being presented in the 2 day Conference.

Corporate Connect  

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On Wednesday, 14-Sept-2011 Amity Business School, Amity University Rajasthan has organized the Corporate Connect program in the auditorium for  the students of MBA I semester (all streams). The program in charge were Mr. Gaurav Bagra, Dr. Shikha Sharma and Ms. Meenal Dhariwal, being assisted by students of MBA I & III SEM. This week students had been given two different states to explore, their economy, business, statistics, resources, politics, administration, culture, heritage,etc. Savita, Ravi Ranjan, Shubham , Nupur, Siddarth, Rohit from MBA I SEM gave their presentation on Rajasthan . And Tamil Nadu was presented by Govind, Avneesh, Darshan, Veenita, and Nalini from MBA I SEM.
At the end of the session a quiz was organized by the students of MBA I semester for the audience on the topics presented during the session. Lastly, Director ABS (Retd.) Maj. Gen. Kaul complimented the students on their efforts and gave feedback for the positive reinforcement.

Industry Specific Presentation  

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Identifying need of the hour Amity Business School, Amity University Rajasthan is organizing “Industry Specific Presentation” an activity by the students every week. This week also students showed their active interest in it. The programme was organized by Mr. Himanshu Vyas, Mr. Rahul Agarwal and Mrs. Anupama Sharma, with student volunteers who had assisted the organizers in making the event successful. This week topics given to the students were Film & Media and Agribusiness sector, and students of MBA I SEM (all streams), explored them very well. Raushni Singh , Sarthak Tahir, Hussain Kapoor, Shivani Pareek , Tanvi Maroo , Vishal Verma, Vedika Kakkar of MBA I sem (all streams)  had given the presentation on Film & Media and Agribusiness sector was taken by Ankit Arora, Deepak Pal, Meenakshi Bhau, Nikhilesh Bhardwaj , Shivangi Yadav all from MBA I SEM (all streams) .

Intra Department Debate  

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On Wednesday, 7-sept-2011, Amity Business School, Amity university Rajasthan has organized an intra department debate for the students of MBA and BBA all streams all semester. The event was organized under the able supervision of Dr. Shashi singhal with the assistance from the students of MBA III semester(Mr. Santosh Singh, Mr. Vishal Tayal, Mr. Mritunjay and Mukul Choudhary.).

The topics for the debate were as follows:

a. English necessary for professional life.
b. Are Gandhian Principles relevant for today’s world?
c. Is academics meaningless?
d. Nothing is good or bad, our thinking makes us so.

The completion was judged by the faculties of ABS:
1.       Dr. Preeti Yadav
  1. Dr. M.P. Singh
  2. Dr. D.S. Rathore

The winners in each group were:
a)      Agrima(MBA III G) Ester (MBA III G)
b)     Nishtha (MBA III G) & Dr. Sourabh Sharma
c)      T. Shyom Sundaram (MBA III IB) & Rishika
d)     Chaya (MBA III IB), Hemant , Anisha (MBA I IB)

The enthusiasm of students and their views were remarkable. The session concluded with the appreciation of winners of every group by Maj. Gen (Retd.) B.N. Kaul

Corporate Connect  

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On Tuesday, 06-Sept-2011 Amity Business School, Amity University Rajasthan has organized the Corporate Connect program in the auditorium for all the students of PG Program. The program was attended by the students of MBA III semester of all the streams. The program in charge was Mr. Gaurav Bagra, Dr. Shikha Sharma and Ms. Meenal Dhariwal, being assisted by students of MBA III SEM. The Syndicates (Group of III Semester Students) were given 3 different topics to present and discuss with the audience. The topics taken during the session were very important. The topics were:
Syndicates 2: US Credit Crisis
Syndicate 3: WTO
Syndicate 6: Global Summit

The presentation given by the syndicates were highly impressive and informative which made the audience to interact and contribute in learning.

Industry Specific Presentation  

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The market knowledge and the industry orientation are equally important for the students of Business school. The fact was admired and hence to impart the industry oriented knowledge the Amity Business School has organized an Industry Specific Presentation on the teacher’s day (5-sept-2011). The Faculty in charge for organizing the event were Mr. Himanshu Vyas, Mr. Rahul Agarwal and Mrs. Anupama Sharma. The event was attended by the students of MBA I and III semester of all the streams . The 2 industries which were taken for the presentation were Aviation industry and Cement industry. The presentation on the Aviation Industry was given by Anshika Jain, Arparna Raghuvanshi, Avani Jain, Debidatta Acharjee, Gourav Doda, Navjeet Kumar, Pradeep Patel, Raju Boruah of MBA I SEM). And the presentation on Cement Industry was given by  Abhay Jain, Abhinandan Seth, Santosh Singh, Sharma Satvika Cheitanya, Aditya Pareek, Abhishek, Sanjog Kamal Sharma, Aditi Mishra of MBA III sem. The audience also participated in the event by interaction and asking queries. The event concluded with the query session and a note of appreciation by the director ABS

Corporate Connect  

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On Tuesday, 30-August -2011 Amity Business School, Amity University Rajasthan has organized the Corporate Connect program in the Auditorium for all the students of PG Program. The program was attended by the students of 1st semester of all the streams of MBA. The program in charge was Mr. Gaurav Bagra, Dr. Shikha Sharma and Ms. Meenal Dadarwal being assisted by the students of 3rd Sem MBA.
The program kick started by Director Maj.Gen. B.N. Kaul talking on India customs and Indian ethos of management. It was comprised of presentations and discussion on the various topics ranging from historical topics to the current affairs. The 3 topics given to groups to discuss were as follows:

  1. Northern States of India(special focus to J & K)
  2. The Indus Valley Civilization
  3. The Current Affairs (specially focused on the current affairs related to India)

The audience not only attended the program, but also interacted and participated in event, making it the most interactive and learning session.

Business Quiz  

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Amity Business School, Amity University Rajasthan has organized the intra department Business Quiz on management themes, company logos and famous personalities on Wednesday, 24-August-2011. The faculty in charge for the event was Dr. Shashi Singhal with student coordinators form 3rd semester of MBA program (Mr. Santosh Singh, Mr. Vishal Tayal, Mr. Mritunjay and Mukul Choudhary.). The event was organized for all MBA all streams I and III sem (MBA –General, IB, M&S, Agri, HR, MHA) In Total 11 teams with 3 participants each has participated in the event. The event was attended by the students of MBA- All Streams. The Quiz comprises of several audio, video rounds with the traditional question rounds. The winner team was from MBA Gen I Sem consists of Johnson Mathew, Atulesh, Govind. The session was concluded with the note from Maj. Gen (Retd.) Kaul, Director, ABS.

Three day workshop on Flamenco Dance  

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Amity School of Performing Arts a newly opened Department under Amity University has successfully organized a Three day workshop on Flamenco Dance. An Italian Dancer Monica especially came with her troupe for the same.

The Workshop was open to all and the Italian Dancer trained the students who took part in the workshop. Monica briefed the students about the technical and aesthetical aspect of Flamenco Dance. She even said that Flamenco has lot of similarities with Indian Classical Dance, Kathak. The Dancer is so influenced by India that she comes almost every year to India and has also taken the spiritual name as “Maya Devi”.

It was a wonderful experience for the pink city and according to the organizers they will be doing more of such events.

ASCO Students on Industrial Visit to Dainik Bhaskar  

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54 students of ASCO went to the dainik bhaskar printing press on 9th September 2011. The press is functioning since March 2009 and is one of its kind because of the revolutionising German made machines that print as fast as 85000 copies an hour.
Mr. Gagan Sharma (State Product Manager), held an interactive session with ASCO students in the conference hall, and successfully introduced the administrative as well as executive aspects of print media and technologies.
The 50 billion project is well equipped with latest technology machines, and computer animated system along 24x7 hrs manpower of 500 employees that  furnish the herculean printing task with greater ease.
The inquisitive ASCO students asked various questions during their press tour, the production in charges enthusiastically helped the students learn more about print media and technologies. From the parameters to the cost involved not a single detail was spared. Students were thankful to the Bhaskar employees who spared their precious time to guide them and also thanked their faculties who emphasise practical learning and make our learning experiences  joyful and vivid. 

Industrial Visit to 94.3 My FM  

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Amity School Of Communication, with the motive of providing practical knowledge to its students, organised an industrial visit to 94.3 My FM, a renowned radio station of Jaipur. The visit was looked after by two faculty members, Mr. Lokesh Gulyani and Mr. Abhishek Singh. The students were briefed about the working of a radio station by RJ Divya and RJ Rex. They gave a live demonstration also. The students were then allowed to clear out their queries from the regional programming head of the station, Mr. Vikas Tiwari. He acquainted them with the peculiar qualities of an RJ and encouraged the students to work hard to achieve their goals. The overall experience of the students was informative and worth remembering. They thanked the teachers and My FM for organising the visit.

Random Thoughts  

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Hello readers, your flip girl is finally back. For long I sat in front of my laptop thinking what to write, but couldn’t come up with anything interesting. I wrote few lines, but most of them came under the radar of the delete button. I was confused. Should I write about Anna or maybe some feministic issue, or should I try something different. A major mental block is what we call this condition. Happens to everyone, am not an exception, but then this restless taurian couldn’t give up that easily, so finally I came up with something. My inspiration? FRESHERS!
For one whole year I was used to seeing some particular faces in and around the campus, but now I see many new faces. Well, obviously, with the new session in line, freshers are here. We are finally seniors. But now when I look back at the year that passed, or should I say flew away, I have some thoughts to share.
1. Life is like a long road trip. The destination is defined for all, but life is all about living this journey. There will be some people who’ll hold your hand and walk with you, but believe me, no assurance that they will stay with you forever. Sometimes they might just drift away, but then it’s your life, your journey can’t stop, Its then that your courage is tested. Life enjoys playing some tricks on you, but its how you accept them and move on. sometimes, way down on that road, you might just bump into that person again, but he’s not there to walk with you, but there just to smile and ensure that you are on the right track, or maybe just to inform you that he’s changing his path. On the other hand, there might be some people who might be on the completely parallel road, going in the opposite direction, but can bridge the gap and take you along. And then there are some people whom you accidently bump into, either they become your companions for life, or they just apologize and pass by.
2. Some changes are easy to accept and some changes you’ll never be able to get accustomed to. Everyone wants a consistent life, a stable one , but just like every smooth road has speed breakers, in life various changes act like speed breakers. However hard you try or crib, you can’t avoid them, either slow down your speed and overcome it smoothly or just rush over it. The whole idea is to take every morning as a new day, instead of a continuation of the previous night. It is important that we live everyday like never before and without any expectations for the next day, because great expectations always let us down.
3.  People come, people go. The more you try to hold onto something the more easily you lose it. Friendship is important, but what is more important is to never forget our purpose of being here, CAREER.  We are mature enough to distinguish between our personal and professional lives.  The most successful people are those who know how to distinguish between these two lives and not allow either to interfere into each other’s jurisdictions.
4. Our parents will always love us, no matter how wrong we go. But there will come a time when we’ll have to come out of this protected environment and learn to stand on our own feet. Yes, we will fall , maybe once but in most cases a number of times, but it’s all about standing up every time we fall and not losing our confidence.
5. Chose your idols, mark a target, these our important keys to success. But remember; don’t forget to leave your own mark behind. Just because you have an idol doesn’t mean you can’t become an idol for someone else. No two people are the same. Every person has something unique in them and it’s all about exploring that uniqueness.
6. Both happiness and sorrow are inevitable parts of life; life is incomplete without either of them. They both teach us different things. If happiness and laughter is a sign of success and confidence, grief and tears in most cases represent the end of something and the beginning of something new. It’s all about adopting a positive approach to life. If you cry today, be ready, you have tons of happiness in store for your future. And if you are happy today, don’t worry, success and confidence are your mates and no matter where you are, where you go, you’ll stand out tall, beaming at the whole world.
7. Life is as simple as you perceive and as complicated as you make it. Live life as it comes, don’t keep any pre assumptions. When a batsman is playing, he has no idea what the next ball is going to be. He just plays as it comes.  Besides this, the grass is always greener on the other side, right my friends? But it is important that instead of cribbing about how miserable our life is, we should learn to cherish each moment. Love your life, love your parents and more than anyone love yourself. Make that little extra effort and you will realize how wonderful life is.
8. Hypocrisy is a part and parcel of life. It’s always very easy to be judgmental about others, easy to give a lecture, but very difficult to implement them on your own life. It is important to reform ourselves before we take the burden of purifying the whole world. Spend more time thinking and improving your life , rather than bothering about what’s happening in the life of your roommate or in that matter anyone else.
9. if you are different or unique, if you have tried a new hairdo, or if you have a better command over your language, believe me,  people will talk about you. But instead of feeling out of place, take it as a stepping stone for the future. Come on, it is this uniqueness you have to develop. And if people talk about you, take it as a compliment; after all you are so important to other’s life that they are spending their vital time in discussing you.
10. Friends, college life is not about singing, dancing or finding your true love (with reference to Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, a movie I used to idolize as a model for my perfect college life). College life lies far beyond this. It’s about identifying yourself and your existence on this Earth. It’s about living you life to the fullest, it’s about being spontaneous, and it’s about accepting your faults and taking up responsibility. College is about cementing your values and raising the bar higher.

With that I welcome you all again and wish you all the success and happiness in the world. Enjoy your college lives and have no regrets, because, “ZINDAGI NA MILEGI DOBARA”.  


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Amity University Rajasthan along with Pharmanext and its partners (IAAS, SEA Pharm forum, SAARC Pharmaceutical forum, INPHARM association, IPGA, Medixfora) is organizing a conference on GREEN BIOTECH: RECENT TRENDS AND INNOVATIONS on 12-13 November, 2011 at Amity University Rajasthan.
The conference aims at bringing together experts from industry and academia for exchange of ideas and simultaneously providing information on recent developments in the field of agriculture, pharmaceutical and health sciences to students not only from across Rajasthan but also others from India and abroad.
Being knowledge –based industry, it is imperative to keep pace with the rapid advances in this field for harnessing its business and industrial potential
Deliberations at the conference may bring forth novel concepts and techniques to circumvent some of the problems that are being faced in the efforts to propagate GREEN BIOTECHNOLOGY.

Scientific Programme

Saturday November 12, 2011
8: 00 – 9:00 a.m.                     Registration
9:00-10:30 a.m.                       Inauguration Key note address. IPR and Plant
10:30-11:00                             Tea Break
11:00-12:15                             Session I : Plant Genetic Engineering
12:15-1:15                               Session II : Biodiversity & Conservation
1:15-2:15                                 Lunch
2:15-3:15                                 Session III
                                                Molecular markers in plant Breeding
3:15-3:45                                 Tea
3:30-5:00                                 Session IV
Application of Nano biotechnology in plant production
7:30                                         Dinner & Cultural Programme

Sunday November 13, 2011
9:00-10:30                               Session V
                                                Plant Products & Toxicity
10:30-11:00                             Tea Break
11:00-12:15                             Session VI Biofertilizers & Biopesticides
1:15-2:15                                 Lunch
2:15-3:15                                 Session VII
3:15-3:45                                 Tea
3:45-4:30                                 Valedictory Function                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
Invited Speakers:

  • Prof. Dr.  Ashok Adya
University of Abertay, Dundee Scotland

  • Prof. Dr. F. Buscot
Halle/Sale, Germany

  • Prof. Dr. C. Cruz
Lisbon, Portugal

  • Prof. Dr. Y.R. Danesh
Tehran, Iran

  • Prof. Dr. H. Helmut Koenig
Mainz, Germany

  • Prof. Dr. G Kost
Marburg, Germany

  • Prof. Dr. M Giovannetti
Pisa, Italy

  • Prof. Dr. K Haselwandter
Innsbruck, Austria

  • Prof. Dr. E M Goltapeh
Tehran, Iran

  • Prof. Dr. A Morte
Murcia, Spain

  • Prof. Dr. R Oelmuller
Jena, Germany

  • Prof. Dr. M Regvar
Ljubljana, Slovenia

  • Prof. Dr. R J Strasser
Geneva, Switzerland

  • Prof. Dr. M Tsimilli- Michael
Nicosia, Cyprus

  • Prof. Dr. Peter Raspor
Ljubljana, Slovenia

  • Prof. Dr. Alessandra Zambonelli
Bologna, Italy

  • Prof. Dr. Luisa Lanfranco
Torino, Italy

  • Prof. Dr. Anton Hatmann
Muenchen, Germany

  • Prof. Dr. Knut J Heller
Kiel, Germany

  • Prof. Dr. Dafin Fior Muresanu
Cluz- Napoca, Romania

  • Prof. Dr. H S Sharma
                Uppsala, Sweden

Guidelines for Submission of Abstract
The organizing committee of the conference invites participants for submission of their abstracts for inclusion in the abstract book. The soft copy of the abstract should be submitted electronically to the organizers at……………..before 30 Sep 2011 the abstract typed in English should not exceed 250 words. The title should be typed in font size 14, Times New Roman (Bold). The text should be in A4 Size paper with font size 12, Times New Roman and be in MS Word Format only. The name of the presenting author should be underlined. The Complete postal address of the author(s) along with the E-mail should be provided.

Registration Fee

Before 10 Sep. 2011
Before 10 Oct. 2011
On spot Registration
SAARC Countries
3000 INR
4000 INR
5000 INR

4000 INR
5500 INR
6500 INR
100 USD
130 USD
150 USD

150 USD
180 USD
200 USD


Modest accommodation for the delegates and accompanying persons has been arranged at the university hostels and guest house located at the university campus. Those who are desirous of having Hotel accommodation in Jaipur should write to the organizers for tariff and the other details.

Important dates
Last Date for Abstract submission                                         30 Sep. 2011
Last Date for Abstract and full length paper submission                  
            10 Oct. 2011
Conference Dates                                                                   12-13 Nov.2011

Registration payment

The registration fee can be paid by cash, bank draft and money transfer.

1)      Bank transfer
Bank name      : ICICI Bank LTD
Branch             : B78, Defence Colony,
                                    New Delhi-110024, India.
Account Name: PHARMANEXT
Account Number: 630005008543
IFSC Code      : ICIC0006300
2)      Payment by Bank Draft: the Bank draft should be in favor of ‘PHARMANEXT ‘ payable at New Delhi.

Correspondence address

Prof. N. R. Kalla
Organizing secretary,
Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University Rajasthan,
14 Gopal Bari, Ajmer Road, Jaipur (Rajasthan).
Ph: +91-1426-212139
Fax: o1426

Mr. Harish Pal
Pharmanext (A Pharma Magazine for Generation Next)
SCF-36, HUDA Shopping Complex
Sector 4, Gurgaon, 122001
Haryana, India.
Ph: +91-124-4385741             Mob: +91-9818455437, 9999596596.