BJMC - 1st Year
I mean…. Of course this is a usual sight in all of the colleges and universities… but
as always…. it seemed something different in Amity. Being freshers, this sight was
new to us… just stepping into college life…. This scene made the otherwise tensed
atmosphere a bit amusing to our eyes…..
More than in the class… the students could be seen lined up outside the teachers’
cabins, for the submissions and vivas, while the outstanding ones…!!!... still
queued up outside the xerox shop to get the last minute journals and notes for a
rapid revision. Others were found running hither thither, behind the teachers, up
and down the floors of the ABS block.
The classroom scene was even more interesting. Someone shrieks… “Guys… is the
date-sheet out???” And bang on comes the reply…. “Who cares!!!!! Check out the
debarr list!!”
debarr list!!”
The scenario doesn’t end here itself… group occupying one corner and
completing a certain assignment through combined efforts… while the others
busy in completing or copying their notes through mutual exchanges of their
pen drives….
But the best part was to watch the carefree ones….relaxed to the core…..listening
to their i- pods and mp3s …..or having a normal gossip in their groups,… it was
actually a bit confusing to accurately determine the reason for their such a serene
behavior…… Had they actually completed the course??? If yes…then how?????
Or was it the second option…. Were they even appearing for the exams???
Yaar… This exam time is seriously confusing….in a number of ways… The
desperation growing to all its heights and limits…..The Exam fever has actually
taken over the Amity Campus…..
With all this and much more exciting but haywire exam environment drawing in….
guys…its even time for me to go and catch up with my books….after all….. End-
Sems hain yaar!!! ;-)
So here’s me..Roshni Punjabi… signing off for the meantime and wishing all my
dear AMITIANS a great exam time…..All the Best Guys….. Njoyyyyyy……..
Exam times Rockkkkks
And so does AMITY…..
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on Monday, December 13, 2010
at 7:34 PM
and is filed under
Amity University Rajasthan
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