The day opened on a bright and warm note, with the Kabaddi semi final match between B-tech ECE and MIT in which ECE players outshone their skills and qualified for the finals. The day progressed with the boys Long Jump, in which Ravi Bhushan(ECE) stood victorious with a jump of 19.2 feet, closely followed by Sanjay Tanwar (18.11) and Radheshayam (18.6). Followed by this, was the girls Long Jump in which Bhumi Joshi (11.7), Urvashi Yadav (10.6) and Rasna Singh(10.3) raised the flag of victory ,securing the first, second and third positions respectively. Besides this, the Volleyball (boys) semi-final took place, in which MBA secured a comfortable victory against AIIT and qualified for the finals, where they will be facing B-tech CSE (Pool A). MBA also won the second Kabaddi semi final, against Biotech and made their way to the finals, in which they will be playing against ECE. The day also witnessed the basket ball semi – final rematch between AIB(biotech) and ALS(Law) and AIB won again with a considerable margin .Followed by this, the prize distribution for the day’s events took place.
The evening saw rigorous qualifiers for the 200m and 400m race. Some of the qualifiers were Nishant Rana(CSE) , Radheshyam(M&A),Mezbin(CSE), Aayushi(ECE)Bhumi(M&A), Sugandhita(CSE)and Era(ECE).
With that we saw the dusk of another eventful day, where the best of Amity’s talent was displayed and the qualities of sportsmanship, hard work, unity, perseverance and team work saw new heights.
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on Sunday, October 2, 2011
at 11:51 AM
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Amity University Rajasthan
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