“I don't know anything that builds the will to win better than competitive sports.”
-Richard M. Nixon quotes (American 37th US President )

Ah, those questions keep coming in my mind every now and then, especially after watching some game (I just got back from watching one of the APL league matches :P). But there is one request that I would like to put forward to everyone who reads this (and if possible, even those who don’t): Try to get into any sport that you can. I am not going to blabber about the benefits it has (you have your fitness magazines to fill that space), but all that I want to say is that give yourself a chance to feel those heart pumping moments..the zest, the enthusiasm, the competitiveness, the passion to win, the urge to finish it till the end, the desperation to win the game…believe me friends these are some of those precious things that cannot be replaced by any anything else.
(ouch, did I become Aunt Martha this time? Gosh, I sound like that Granny who sits by the window and advices her grandchildren about various stuff :P) hehe…sorry, but I guess the APL here has that effect…
So, till I meet you all next time, keep smiling and stay fit. With a ‘tata bye bye’ to the winters (Winterji, we’re done bearing u!), a smiling bye to you all as well! :)
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on Sunday, January 30, 2011
at 9:24 PM
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