Hello readers, your flip girl is finally back. For long I sat in front of my laptop thinking what to write, but couldn’t come up with anything interesting. I wrote few lines, but most of them came under the radar of the delete button. I was confused. Should I write about Anna or maybe some feministic issue, or should I try something different. A major mental block is what we call this condition. Happens to everyone, am not an exception, but then this restless taurian couldn’t give up that easily, so finally I came up with something. My inspiration? FRESHERS!
For one whole year I was used to seeing some particular faces in and around the campus, but now I see many new faces. Well, obviously, with the new session in line, freshers are here. We are finally seniors. But now when I look back at the year that passed, or should I say flew away, I have some thoughts to share.1. Life is like a long road trip. The destination is defined for all, but life is all about living this journey. There will be some people who’ll hold your hand and walk with you, but believe me, no assurance that they will stay with you forever. Sometimes they might just drift away, but then it’s your life, your journey can’t stop, Its then that your courage is tested. Life enjoys playing some tricks on you, but its how you accept them and move on. sometimes, way down on that road, you might just bump into that person again, but he’s not there to walk with you, but there just to smile and ensure that you are on the right track, or maybe just to inform you that he’s changing his path. On the other hand, there might be some people who might be on the completely parallel road, going in the opposite direction, but can bridge the gap and take you along. And then there are some people whom you accidently bump into, either they become your companions for life, or they just apologize and pass by.
2. Some changes are easy to accept and some changes you’ll never be able to get accustomed to. Everyone wants a consistent life, a stable one , but just like every smooth road has speed breakers, in life various changes act like speed breakers. However hard you try or crib, you can’t avoid them, either slow down your speed and overcome it smoothly or just rush over it. The whole idea is to take every morning as a new day, instead of a continuation of the previous night. It is important that we live everyday like never before and without any expectations for the next day, because great expectations always let us down.
3. People come, people go. The more you try to hold onto something the more easily you lose it. Friendship is important, but what is more important is to never forget our purpose of being here, CAREER. We are mature enough to distinguish between our personal and professional lives. The most successful people are those who know how to distinguish between these two lives and not allow either to interfere into each other’s jurisdictions.
4. Our parents will always love us, no matter how wrong we go. But there will come a time when we’ll have to come out of this protected environment and learn to stand on our own feet. Yes, we will fall , maybe once but in most cases a number of times, but it’s all about standing up every time we fall and not losing our confidence.
5. Chose your idols, mark a target, these our important keys to success. But remember; don’t forget to leave your own mark behind. Just because you have an idol doesn’t mean you can’t become an idol for someone else. No two people are the same. Every person has something unique in them and it’s all about exploring that uniqueness.
6. Both happiness and sorrow are inevitable parts of life; life is incomplete without either of them. They both teach us different things. If happiness and laughter is a sign of success and confidence, grief and tears in most cases represent the end of something and the beginning of something new. It’s all about adopting a positive approach to life. If you cry today, be ready, you have tons of happiness in store for your future. And if you are happy today, don’t worry, success and confidence are your mates and no matter where you are, where you go, you’ll stand out tall, beaming at the whole world.
7. Life is as simple as you perceive and as complicated as you make it. Live life as it comes, don’t keep any pre assumptions. When a batsman is playing, he has no idea what the next ball is going to be. He just plays as it comes. Besides this, the grass is always greener on the other side, right my friends? But it is important that instead of cribbing about how miserable our life is, we should learn to cherish each moment. Love your life, love your parents and more than anyone love yourself. Make that little extra effort and you will realize how wonderful life is.
8. Hypocrisy is a part and parcel of life. It’s always very easy to be judgmental about others, easy to give a lecture, but very difficult to implement them on your own life. It is important to reform ourselves before we take the burden of purifying the whole world. Spend more time thinking and improving your life , rather than bothering about what’s happening in the life of your roommate or in that matter anyone else.
9. if you are different or unique, if you have tried a new hairdo, or if you have a better command over your language, believe me, people will talk about you. But instead of feeling out of place, take it as a stepping stone for the future. Come on, it is this uniqueness you have to develop. And if people talk about you, take it as a compliment; after all you are so important to other’s life that they are spending their vital time in discussing you.
10. Friends, college life is not about singing, dancing or finding your true love (with reference to Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, a movie I used to idolize as a model for my perfect college life). College life lies far beyond this. It’s about identifying yourself and your existence on this Earth. It’s about living you life to the fullest, it’s about being spontaneous, and it’s about accepting your faults and taking up responsibility. College is about cementing your values and raising the bar higher.
With that I welcome you all again and wish you all the success and happiness in the world. Enjoy your college lives and have no regrets, because, “ZINDAGI NA MILEGI DOBARA”.