BJMC 1 Year
Today, as the end semester exams are nearing their completion, I take a break to look back at the events in my life during this past semester. Truly said... Time flies…. Seriously… this semester has passed away in a wink…. L
So…fasten your seat belts people….We are on a journey into the past…
Wo!!!!!!! First day at amity!!
It was obviously not an experience similar to the one that I had at the first day of my school….or I should say, the first day at any of the schools that I attended in my life. Yes…the excitement and enthusiasm knew no bounds… main reasons…. The pre perceived image of a college and the excitement of finally being able to live a college student’s (so called CAREFREE) life… plus…. A completely changed environment and system than that we were used to seeing since the past 14 years of our lives…..And above all…… being in THE AMITY UNIVERSITY!!!!!!
GOD! This was seriously going to be something different…..something new…
Everything seemed to be going pretty well…. The orientation… Introduction with the H.O.D and the other Faculty members who were to teach us a host of subjects during our course of study in the AMITY UNIVERSITY RAJASTHAN…. And what’s more…. This was just the first part… the beginning…..the introduction with the batch- mates was still to come! Trust me…. Every fresher’s nightmare…. CLASSMATES KAISE HONGE YAAR????!!!! Seriously a terrifying and confusing question for most of the students entering their college life…. Hmm… As a part of the orientation, each student stood up, introduced him/ herself, their selected course and above all, their reason for selecting AMITY…. The actual personal interaction with all the students later revealed many things about each of them….and much more was still to come…. I mean…c’mon guys…there were three years to go…..
The college life started pretty well from the next day onwards… the time table sheets... lectures…notes… seriously OMG!
It was actually a bit too different for me personally ….a science student suddenly plunging into mass communication….the subjects were new…the topics were new…and so was everything else…..huh! Guys….trust me…. You seriously need to be internally strong to face all this. Especially when you are from a completely different background!!!! One question I frequently faced…and which later on was simply dreaded… “Why the sudden jump from science to mass communication? ‘’ huh! It was seriously getting on my nerves…. Slowly… time passed… events like the ice- breaking session, introduction rounds with the seniors (who were too good and too sweet to us and we heartily thank each of them for being so kind and helpful in all the ways they could… Thank you seniors…. Love you all) were insignificant milestones in this long journey…. Then came the mid semesters… another fresh experience to be dealt with… I guess this is the reason why we are called FRESHERS… J
The mid semesters were a great experience... the conditions were similar to the one I have mentioned in my previous article… just the intensity was a bit low… eventually… it too ended.... waiting in line were the Diwali vacations…which ended too quick, much because of the eagerness to get back to college…
And then….SHOWTIME… comes SANCHAAR 2K10… an unforgettable, unmatchable and unimaginable result of the hardcore dedication by the students of ASCO…the unparalleled event had everyone spellbound…speechless…. Words couldn’t define the extravaganza… this was something that had left everyone including us amazed and dazzled!!!
But… Everything simply faded out… except memories... L
All the fun ended soon… next in the queue were: End Semester exams…
Study time again…. Describing in my words: RUSH HOUR!!! J
Everything started all over…notes…completions…submissions…viva… journals…date sheets...and the most dreaded one… the DEBARR LIST…
Time passed… and came the D- Day…. 6th December…
12 days have passed… 5 papers have been battled against and defeated… 5 more still to come…. Pray that even these pass as smoothly as the previous ones…
As said “Give your best and leave the rest”
So this was it guys… Hope you all find something that reminds you of your times as a fresher…
Happy reading …and yes… All the Best once again….
Here’s Roshni Punjabi signing off…
Catch you guys soon
Till then
Blog, a simple word, from web and log: log – a journal, record of events, thoughts, inspirations, opinions, and since they happen to be on the internet, so a blog. Yes, an easy, simple word that reminds one of other simple words like fire, water, air; all simple yes, and all representative of immense power, primal force, the stuff of creation itself. Like a fire that begins slowly then blazes out of control, blogging began in 1983 with message boards that were used to convey simple information that changed from time to time – calendars, lists, agendas.
Blogging has diligently progressed to the forefront of digital communication in a historically expeditious rate of speed. As early as 1983, threads of message boards dotted the internet with newsworthy postings, including the infamous World Wide Web. By 1994, some were using the web as their daily diary or sounding board. People began to pay attention. By 1997, these personal homepages became sources of news. Who are we listening to out in cyberspace? It is true that most believe what they read or see on television. After all, these people have our best interest at heart! Don’t they? Or is there an agenda they serve of their own? The dangers of a world of information and socializing through blogging can leave a questionable impact that’s left to be decided.
The daily diaries of 1997 soon spread from journals of self-satisfying thoughts to a belief that people were actually interested in things they said. And many were. The web world grew from personal blogging to videos, thus the web-cam. Soon the legal and corporate world began to hire bloggers. The question remained in some of our eyes, what kind of person would post their life for all to see? Or was it their life they were posting?
The daily diaries of 1997 soon spread from journals of self-satisfying thoughts to a belief that people were actually interested in things they said. And many were. The web world grew from personal blogging to videos, thus the web-cam. Soon the legal and corporate world began to hire bloggers. The question remained in some of our eyes, what kind of person would post their life for all to see? Or was it their life they were posting?
In the 90’s blogging exploded, and in the words of one writer, “There is no end in sight.” Simple information turned into highly impact banks of information with the potential to create change. Truckloads of data, to borrow a term from the recently defunct Industrial Age, were loaded on the web followed by storefronts from every type of business everywhere. Desktop publishing, graphics, music, media all went through explosive growth and change. So imagine a web surfer back in the 90’s moving from one static storefront to another when suddenly confronted with many and cheap opportunities to express feelings, thoughts, and opinions with others who have similar interests.
Many have followed that opportunity to connect with others of similar tastes, and that, in and of it, are magnetic; the ability to find someone that shares interests no matter how outlandish, how rare, and even how evil those interests may be. Presidential candidates, Hollywood celebrities, neighbors, friends, co-workers, corporate America, dog lovers, pool players, heroes, leaders, charlatans and thieves have spoken, conned, shared, lied, maneuvered politically, exposed, gossiped, made bunches of money, lost bunches of money, triumphed, and fallen via blogs. The marketing and political potentials are limitless and those limits are being pushed. Dichotomies and ideological clashes occur in every area. For instance, one is horrified by the blogs the child predators use and daunted by the efforts at some of the crime blogs that are working to keep the children safe.
In short the blog and its effects are a type of re-living of human history. The relationships between humans, the sacred and the profane, the good and the evil have always been there, only now things are going quite a bit faster. What would take months to cross the country in the late 1800’s and went only to people of privilege is now there instantly for anybody who can access a computer. In a way the blog is even faster than nature. We usually know when a hurricane is coming or when a tornado is nearby. Since the blog is operating at mental speeds, you know a hurricane hits when you’re in it.
Consider that all the tools are present – creative, marketing, technological - at a very affordable price for anyone to say whatever they want about literally anything and anyone. Add to that the ability to find people that have an affinity with you no matter what you’re saying or why, and you have a mighty tool with which you can further a cause, make a name, make lots of money, destroy a reputation, build a reputation, and any number of options limited only by the human menu of possibilities. That’s powerful.
EFFECTS: The immediate fears of children and teens in the blogging world are an ongoing debate. In the eyes of the teen, cyberspace has become a text heaven, taking the place of baby boomers talking on the phone. In the eyes of the parent, the teen is foreboding prey of the parasites feeding on the innocent lying in wait on the end of a text from a “friend” accepted. The law seems to stay one step behind the predator in these cases and children stay one step in front of the parent in finding the scum. This social impact that has taken the younger generation into places their parents never thought of falling is all brought to us by the wonderful world of blogging. In the latest American Presidential race, blogging has given the voting public a progressive, new look at candidates they never considered in the past. Overnight, Ron Paul became a viable candidate, when most didn’t recognize his name the day before. Isn’t this a questionable way to choose a person we are to trust with our country? If enough people get on the web and blog an interest, I could become Prime minister. People are too busy to research candidates themselves, so they take the word of bloggers, who may also be the predators that are on your children’s bedroom computers.
In defense of the world we have created on the web, we have the opportunity to learn, prosper, and discover the world at our fingertips. Students have a wealth of knowledge, while we can stay at home and do everything from graduate from college to shop at our favorite stores. The positives are abundant and obvious, while the negatives hide and pop out at us while we enjoy the good.
We’ve grown full circle from allowing idiot box the right to tell us what to believe, where to shop, and what to buy. We now have any Tom, Dick, or Harry into our lives by means of the web, as we shop and educate ourselves and think we are minding our own business. Blogging is a distinct and valid social impact on the world and decidedly so. The positive aspect is there are signs of boredom in the blogging world; soon there will be another source for the intruder. Maybe one day we will have a mind of our own and use it.
When the primal force known as humanity makes use of a potential like this, as is happening now, even as we wonder about it, we certainly have the ingredients for a butterfly effect – a moth flapping its wings in Japan sets off a series of events that fuels a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico. Can we and our children use that power for the good? We hope so. And while we must use our technology wisely, is it our technology we need to sorry about, or is it how we plan to use it?
CONFUSION: With the confusion between the functions of a blog and web site persisting, it has proved more difficult for many online marketers and entrepreneurs to use the two very different online tools properly in their marketing plans. Yet it is extremely important for everybody to understand the key differences between a blog site and a web site so as to understand best the key strengths and weaknesses of the two and what marketing functions each will tend to accomplish best.
The key differences between a blog and a web site are that a blog’s main function is being a web log or online diary. As the term "online diary" suggests, this is where a blogger can generate a lot of interesting personal comment and intimate details and information about a particular niche subject or topic that they have chosen to cover. Blogs are quick and easy to set up. Blogs are a less expensive way of advertising your business to the online community. A web site on the other hand is the official address and location of a web-based business. Just the place you would expect to find ecommerce tools and landing pages where customers can make a purchase online. Blogs and websites can work hand in hand with one another.
The truth is that a blog is hardly the place where you would want to reach for your credit card. Yet a blog is not less important. Blogs are classified as being increasingly important to any web based entrepreneur because it is where all the action is. In actual fact traffic is generated in large quantities at blogs and then re-directed to web sites for the actual sales transaction to be consummated.
In conclusion none can really totally replace the other and both blogs and web sites have their individual very important key roles to play in the marketing success of any online enterprise.
BJMC - 1st Year
I mean…. Of course this is a usual sight in all of the colleges and universities… but
as always…. it seemed something different in Amity. Being freshers, this sight was
new to us… just stepping into college life…. This scene made the otherwise tensed
atmosphere a bit amusing to our eyes…..
More than in the class… the students could be seen lined up outside the teachers’
cabins, for the submissions and vivas, while the outstanding ones…!!!... still
queued up outside the xerox shop to get the last minute journals and notes for a
rapid revision. Others were found running hither thither, behind the teachers, up
and down the floors of the ABS block.
The classroom scene was even more interesting. Someone shrieks… “Guys… is the
date-sheet out???” And bang on comes the reply…. “Who cares!!!!! Check out the
debarr list!!”
debarr list!!”
The scenario doesn’t end here itself… group occupying one corner and
completing a certain assignment through combined efforts… while the others
busy in completing or copying their notes through mutual exchanges of their
pen drives….
But the best part was to watch the carefree ones….relaxed to the core…..listening
to their i- pods and mp3s …..or having a normal gossip in their groups,… it was
actually a bit confusing to accurately determine the reason for their such a serene
behavior…… Had they actually completed the course??? If yes…then how?????
Or was it the second option…. Were they even appearing for the exams???
Yaar… This exam time is seriously confusing….in a number of ways… The
desperation growing to all its heights and limits…..The Exam fever has actually
taken over the Amity Campus…..
With all this and much more exciting but haywire exam environment drawing in….
guys…its even time for me to go and catch up with my books….after all….. End-
Sems hain yaar!!! ;-)
So here’s me..Roshni Punjabi… signing off for the meantime and wishing all my
dear AMITIANS a great exam time…..All the Best Guys….. Njoyyyyyy……..
Exam times Rockkkkks
And so does AMITY…..
With the warm and heartiest greetings of this breezy december, write hand this time brings certain well acquainted but unfamiliar thoughts to you all. After almost 60 years of struggle finally (expectantly) the beliefs of Indian people got a legal affirmation for their subsistence. A core committee of three people confides the candor of mythological traits sheltered by the Indian society.
Pessimistic thought process we do have but do we really mean it while going for an action! I guess the Ayodhya case can throw good light upon it. Country does not build of just population but the beliefs they have, the hopes, the regrets, the dreams this all makes any country to be called as a nation. ‘Diversity but unity’ these two words are used to describe INDIA. Each and every member of Indian society has been taught to consider all the religious beliefs equally since childhood. We firmly say that we are rigid and honest follower of equality, so here I would present a simple query that while filing the case for the property right of Ayodhya bhumi had our senses gone insane or paralyzed! Within a fraction of time we lost a long back constructed ideology! We become so careless regarding the most caring thing of humanity. Our soul might not allow us to accept our carelessness but we ourselves are the witness of our insanity. So the ultimate stride that can be mentioned here is to make a humble appeal to our dear god (including ishwar, allah, jesus, waheguru) to personally look into the matter and bestow his kind presence that could be registered by the law. And that can be further utilize to guide the next generation that their forefathers have already fought upon god’s place, and god now has a lawfully registered place to live and survive. This would possibly make god to feel more secured and authentic, isn’t it! and searching for the god hither and thither should no more because every god would be having their own legally registered place. Every prayer would be paid under the prescribed sections of law. How amazing it would be!
The question kept splashing in my mind very eloquently… And even for a moment I believed ‘yes’ I am. But then something shook my convictions and I was dropped in an endless rambling thoughts!
What have I actually done to be called as a Writer?
Must I actually earn a living by writing to declare myself a writer? If that’s the case, then I am not a writer. Must win a contest? I have not done that also and really nothing that I would say, allows me to call myself a writer. Must I be published? I actually have not been published yet… not even for an extremely small time. Still, nothing to merit the title of “author” or a “write” in any case. Guess that was the reason I went out sight for so long.
Does writing a blog allow me to claim the title of writer? I do write often. But then again, anyone can start a blog and type random letters on it and push publish. Does readership of the blog make me a writer?
I don’t possess any particular skills, just a simplistic yet deep love for the written word. Not just words, but the conveyance of emotion in words. The types of words that make you laugh, cry, or really ponder long after you’ve read them.
I pick my pen or move my fingers on keyboard to express the deepest of me; indeed it unwinds my soul and rejuvenates me each time I write.
See, I’m obviously, not successful as often as I’d like. However, does that make me less of a writer? I think being a writer is what is felt in the heart. Somewhere deep in me there’s a spark which makes me believe so at times. And if indeed, that is the case, then I am a writer.
I sense the answer to my question “Am I a writer?” lies within my heart. And reader you know what, my heart always answers for all my baffling hitches... So, if you’ve pondered that question, I urge not to look any further than inside your heart.
A seminar on “ Can Positive Psychotherapy meet the basic principles of effectiveness as outlined by Dr. Grave “ had been organized by Amity School of Behavioural and Applied Sciences on Monday. Seminar was graced by Professor Shridhar Sharma, former Vice President of Indian Psychology Society. A noted speaker Professor Sharma started with quote “Psychotherapy deals with psyche (hind) it is a form of treatment for problems of emotional nature”, basically in a nutshell he talked about principles, development and objectives of psychotherapy. He said the main aim of psychotherapy is to improve emotional problems. 
Hey friends. How are you? It’s pretty long since we interacted. I am so sorry my dearest readers actually these days Aryan is too busy. Aryan was involved in the Rajasthan’s only media fest; yup you guessed it right SANCHAAR of Amity School of Communication. For Aryan and his peers’ SANCHAAR means a lot; after all we all are ASCoites rather Hard Time Journalists. Aryan wants to thank the guys and gals from the other courses who contributed to the success of SANCHAAR2010 but only thanks is not enough for their dedication and the unintentional support. Aryan ki bhasha mein bole to ‘Hats off’ friends.
“There might be difference in our thinking but when it’s time to action we are one”; the status on the Aryan’s fB wall a day before SANCHAAR 2010. Almost all of the Aryan’s friends liked the status but a comment from a worthy friend ‘to whom are you referring – ASCo or…?’ confused Aryan. What does this comment mean? What do these three dots (…) mean? Baffled Aryan when posed the same question to the guy personally; the smart and intelligent reply ‘are yaar ASCo or AMITY’ came that too with a laughing tone. This irritated Aryan too much hence ended up in a shallow trifle. No no nothing serious, all is well. But what is difference between AMITY and ASCo? ASCo is only the part of it like other courses. ASCoites are Amitian first. Chalo koi nahi hota hai…. everything is ok…
Now, SANCHAAR 2010 is over and the stage for end semester exams is all set to rock AMITY from 13th of December. The examinations are not real test of one’s caliber but one of the way to judge your learning skills. So my dearest and beloved fellow Amitians ‘get set go’ bole to phod do. Aryan wishes all his fellow Amitians ‘ALL THE BEST’ for the end semester exams. May you all shine like the brightest star of the universe and make us all proud to be AMITIANS - WE NURTURE TALENT. So till then take care Phir Milenge Chalte Chalte…
Amity University Rajasthan organized a National Case Study Writing Competition ‘TOUCH STONE 2010’in which 24 short listed cases from all over India were presented. The competition was judged by Dr. Aashish Parikh, Joint Director – Centre for entrepreneurship and small business development. Amity Business School organized this event to encourage teaching with the help of case studies as it is a very interesting and efficient teaching methodology.
Amity University Rajasthan organized a National Case Study Writing Competition ‘TOUCH STONE 2010’in which 24 short listed cases from all over India were presented. The competition was judged by Dr. Aashish Parikh, Joint Director – Centre for entrepreneurship and small business development. Amity Business School organized this event to encourage teaching with the help of case studies as it is a very interesting and efficient teaching methodology.
Case studies on all the areas of management like Human Resource, Marketing, Finance, Business Development, and Information Technology were presented. The winner was awarded with a cash prize of Rs. 10,000.
AUR: 13th NOVEMBER: Amity University Rajasthan organized Rajasthan’s only Media fest SANCHAAR- 2010 for the second time. Shri Mahendrajit Singh Malviya, Technical Education Minister, Govt. of Rajasthan inaugurated the festival. Around 40 colleges from all over the nation participated in the event. The two day event included many technical events like Panel discussion, Face the Press, Ad – Mad Show, Quiz Competition along with cultural events like Fashion Show, Group Dance, War of DJ’s and Rock Show. Sanchaar 2010 proved to be a great opportunity for all the media and journalism students participating in the event to meet and interact with the experts in the field and explore their talent.
The first day of the fest started with Panel discussion on “Role of Media in 21st Century” and the panelist invited were Ms. Swati Vashitha Rajasthan Bureau Chief – CNN IBN, Mr. Sudhir Vohra, Head Marketing Rajasthan Patrika and Mr. Lokesh Guliyani from Red FM. It was followed by various other events like Film Festival, photo exhibition, RJ- hunt, Nukkad Natak, Lan-gaming, Movie Spoof, Movie Maker, Fashion Show, Group Dance Competition, War of DJ’s and Rock show. On the last day events like Ad Mad Show, Quiz Competition, Solo Singing competition, Solo Dance competition, Face the Press, Poster Making., Art events were organized. At last, prize distribution ceremony was organized to appreciate the participating students.

MOS mahinder singh Malvia addressing gathering Amity band "Percied viens" performing (photo: CHIRAG/ ASCo) |
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Amity band "Percied viens" performing (photo: CHIRAG/ ASCo) |

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Amity band "Percied viens" performing (photo: CHIRAG/ ASCo) |
(Dance performance at Sanchaar 2010 Photo: CHIRAG/ ASCo) |
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Amity's dance group Mythbusters performing (photo: CHIRAG/ ASCo) |
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Students of ASE performing Bhangra (photo: CHIRAG/ ASCo) |
The students of Amity School of Hospitality organized a theme lunch party for the faculties. The lunch was based on the south Indian theme. The vice chancellor of Amity University Rajasthan, Raj Singh was the chief guest on the occasion.
NOIDA, October 25th, 2010: The students of Amity School of Communication from Amity University Rajasthan went for an industrial visit to the offices of ZEE NEWS and IBN7 at Noida Film city today on Monday. Students learned a lot from the livewire exposure to the field. While commenting on the visit a first year student Atul said, “Visits like these help us to have first hand on experience on the working environment. Moreover these visits also help us to know what we cannot learn in our class room”. The students were accompanied by two faculty members.
The students first visited IBN 7 where the students were divided into groups for the office tour. The students were then taken to the studio, where they had a fruitful and interactive session. The students cleared their various doubts regarding news operations, journalism and about allegations and controversies. The students were given knowledge on the basic technicalities of operation. The environment of IBN 7 made the visit worth and highly enlightening for the students who were bustling with curiosity and desperate to step into shoes of media industry as soon as possible.
The students were then taken to ZEE NEWS office where students interacted with the anchors and other seniors. The future journalists were shown the news room, the technical control room and other basic functionalities of the news channel. The students also got opportunity to witness the live news bulletin at the ZEE NEWS office. With this the fabulous, exciting, fruitful, knowledgeable and enlightening industrial visit came to an end.
US Psychology Professional Delegation in Amity University Rajasthan
Posted in Amity University Rajasthan
Jaipur, 21st October 2010 Amity University Rajasthan organized a cross cultural Meeting of Psychology Professional Delegation including 22 professional psychologists from U.S.A. led by Dr. Sallie E. Hildebrandt with 30 Indian Professional Pschycologists, under the auspices of People to People Ambassador Programme. Amity Institute of Behavioural and Allied Sciences organized this event with the objective to provide a platform where Psychologists from different cultures can discuss the development taking place in the field of psychology.
Dr. Sallie E. Hildebrandt, President CPA, California , threw light on present scenario and developments taking place in American Psychology. Appreciating AUR’s effort in organising this event she further said that this meeting has provided an opportunity to Psychologists of the two nations to exchange their experiences and views. From here we can plan to work together in the varied field of psychology.
Mr. Aseem Chauhan, Chancellor, AUR said that psychologists are extended hands of God, and contribute a lot to society by remarkably helping people. Amity strongly believe in psychology studies and thus in all the Amity Universities we have Behavioural Science course compulsory for every student,
Prof. (Dr.) Raj Singh, Vice Chancellor, AUR, welcomed all the members of the delegation and expressed his gratitude to all the dignitaries. He reiterated the importance of Positive Psychology in the moral development of an individual.
Prof. S. S. Nathawat, Director, AIBAS, said that we have organized this event to take further the movement initiated by Martin Selligman in 1998 to propogate Healthy Living around the world.
Jaipur, 11th October 2010. A national seminar on “Role of Judiciary in promoting Social Justice” was organized in Amity University Rajasthan. Honorable Justice
Mr. M.N. Bhandari, Rajasthan High Court, inaugurated the event. More than 300 legal experts, researchers and students from all over the country participated in this one day seminar organized by Amity Law School. Prof. M.A. Wani, Member, Governing Council of Indian Law Institute and Law Commission of India was the Guest of Honour.
Mr. M.N. Bhandari, Rajasthan High Court, inaugurated the event. More than 300 legal experts, researchers and students from all over the country participated in this one day seminar organized by Amity Law School. Prof. M.A. Wani, Member, Governing Council of Indian Law Institute and Law Commission of India was the Guest of Honour.
Hon’ble Justice Mr. M.N. Bhandari said that “To bring the actual social justice we should not depend on judiciary only, but we need to make changes in our rigid social ideologies for the betterment of society. This will help in improving and strengthening Judiciary System in India.”
Two technical sessions were organized in the seminar where researchers from all over the country participated. The first session was chaired by Prof. S. Indira Devi from Kakatiya University, Warangal. Papers on themes like Social Justice and Legal process, Importance and Dilemmas of Public Interest Litigation were presented in the session.
Papers on Gender Justice, Globalized Society: Challenges for Judiciary and Paradigm Shift: Role of Judiciary were presented in Second session which was chaired by Justice Damodar Mishra, Retd. Distt. & Session Judge, Rajasthan.
Prof. M.A. Wani in his address to the gathering said that “In a country like India where the population is 1.2 billion, judiciary is playing only 0.5% role in promoting Social Justice, rest 99.5% has to be taken care by our social system, and for that enlightening of society is very important”
Prof. Raj Singh, Vice- Chancellor – Amity University Rajasthan, in his address stressed the need on economic development for social equality and justice. He also mentioned the famous case of Human rights violation by U.S. Based Company UNICOR in Burma.
Amity University Rajasthan’s Football Team at 3rd position in District Football League Championship.
Posted in Amity University Rajasthan
3rd October 2010: In the recent, District Football League Championship Amity Football Club stood at the third place defeating Balmiki club by 4-0. Nihit Agarwal of AFC scored a total of 7 goals in the tournament.
Three players of Amity Football club also got selected for national youth football tournament. Three students of Amity Football Club viz Abhishek Kotwal, Nihit Agarwal, Raghav Khund were selected for under-21 Youth Nation Football Tournament Selection trials to represent Rajasthan.
With the outstanding performance of Amity Football Club in the recently concluded Jaipur District Football League Championship, AFC can now participate in the RBI trophy to be held on 8th of November, 2010.
28th September 2010:A field visit was organized for the students of MJMC 1st semester and BJMC 1st Semester, to give them a practical exposure to print and broadcast media. Students were taken to all the departments like printing, editing, creative etc. of Dainik Bhaskar- a leading daily News paper of Rajasthan, and an interaction session was also organized with the editor of the news paper.
After this students were also taken to MY FM to give them details of broadcasting techniques.
About Us
"Mail your Write-ups, Poems, Stories,etc to
- Amity School of Communication presents SANCHAAR-2k10
- ASH organises Theme lunch party at AUR
- US Psychology Professional Delegation in Amity Uni...
- Amity University Rajasthan’s Football Team at 3rd ...
- ASCO Students on field visit to Dainik Bhaskar Group
Message from the Hon’ble Chancellor
Today, we are celebrating the inaugural function of Sangathan which has animportant place in our annual calendar. Sangathan which is a celebration of Amity students from across all campuses, provides a forum for interaction, caring and sharing and togetherness for all Amitians. It is a time when we all come together year upon year and we can measure the growth of Amity by the size of the event which increases annually. With so many students participating from every corner of the nation and many foreign countries Sangathan is a good example of how Amity represents unity in diversity.
Mr. Aseem Chauhan