Justice Rajesh Tandon, Head of Cyber Tribunal delivers lecture at Amity Law School, AUUP
Posted in Amity University Rajasthan
NOIDA, 24 Feb: Justice Rajesh Tandon, Head of Cyber Tribunal delivered a lecture at Amity Law school on February 24, 2010 at the , 12 Block, 1st Floor Classroom, Amity Law school Sector-125 Noida.
Maj. Gen. Nilendra Kumar, Director, Amity law school presented a token of gratitude to Justice Rajesh Tandon. Students and faculty members of Amity law school were present during the lecture session.
Chennai, 22 Feb: Prof. Kamolnut Pholwan, deputy dean Faculty of Management Sciences, Ms. Weerayuth Sethasathien, and by Ms. Winayaporn visited the AGBS, Chennai campus on 22 Feb, 2010. A half-day workshop on “Global Scenario in Services Marketing” was conducted by the Faculty from the Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, Thailand. The introductory video presentation on the Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, CMR was by Ms. Weerayuth Sethasathien covering various aspects on Academics, Infrastructure, campus life, culture and values. The first presentation for the “Global Scenario in Service Marketing” workshop was by Prof. Winayaporn, lecturer (CMR University, Thailand) on the Thailand Spa Industry. The second presentation was by Prof. Kamolnut Pholwan, deputy dean Faculty of Management Sciences, he highlighted the “State of Thailand Retail Business in the Age of Globalization”, Moreover, a Corporate visit to the World Bank at Taramani in Chennai was arranged (22 Feb, 2010 from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm) after the workshop. The Thai professors plus AGBS, Chennai students- Sunil S Jain, Manoj G, Vijay Thompson, S Harirham, P. Shruthi C, Anand Raja, Uttamkumar, Saranya V, Mohamed Thameem, Ramasubramanian Chandrasekar along-with Prof. Srikant Kapoor interacted with Mr. Sunil Kumar, Center Head- Chennai Operations, The World Bank. The Global scenario in services marketing was an overwhelming success, the event was a fun-filled learning marked with cross cultural interaction. This was truly an experience to cherish both for the students and the faculty.
AUR, 22st Feb: MYTHBUSTERS have done it again. Proving that they are less than none, the AUR dance group gave a knocking competition to the participants and emerged winners at the annual fest of LNMIIT, Vivacity ’10.
The competition was indeed very tough, with national teams like BITS-Pilani, NIT, Enigma (JECREC) competing. But the Mythbusters got them all off and once again stood first, the third time this year. Previously, the group made Amity proud at the Poddar Institute, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Amity Noida , not forgetting the consecutive win at MNIT Jaipur.
Nonnie of Dance
A student of Amity School of communication T. Sukesh Said, "we have heard much about the Raj sir and now we are sure that our university will become a global leader very soon".
AUR, 22nd Feb: Life is a race and when it comes to robots, the game becomes even more interesting! With this idea in mind, Amity Robotics league came up with their first major event "Roboriders" a platform for the robotic zealots to prove their mettle. The robots were required to run on a given track with many hurdles and the one to complete the track in least time was declared the winner. Organized by Amity Robotics League, the event was inaugurated by the Hon'ble Chancellor Aseem Chauhan. There were a wide variety of robots ready to defeat their machine rivals, and once the race began, it was indeed a wonderful experience for the audience. From wired to wireless robots, the participants had worked really hard on their machines to be fast.
After the race, there was another event: Line Follower. While the robots were tested on their circuitry balance, the participants had to prove their technical knowledge. The participating robots were required to follow a given black line, and the one to reach the end first, emerged winner. Judged by Ms. Deepshikha Bhargava, the robot created by the team Meteorite was declared victorious. The winning team was composed of Atul Khare, Divesh Pancholi, Yogesh Tanwar and Inderpreet Singh, all students of Amity School of Engineering.
The Hon'ble Chancellor highly appreciated the efforts put in by the League and congratulated every participant for their innovative ideas. Mr. Sanyog Rawat, faculty coordinator of the club, plans to bring in more of such events to not only entertain but also enlighten the students.
AUR, 22nd Feb: Amity Institute of Biotechnology organized a skit competition on the subject ‘social issues related to biotechnology’. In this event eight teams from AIB performed on the subject. The vice chancellor AUR, and Mr. Shrivastava were the guests of honor. First prize was secured by the MSc. Biotech students for ‘seeds of future’. The first prize winner of the event Neha Sharma said, “We were plasticizing for the event for two weeks. Today, the first prize trophy is the result of our hard work”.
“My experience at Amity was really delightful. Faculties were well equipped with knowledge, placements also went superb. It was a unique know-how and I even suggest people to go for Amity” says Digvijay Singh, an Alumni of ASCo, Amity University Rajasthan. Mr. Digvijay Singh was from the founder batch. He had worked with different reputed Media houses in past 3 years but now is moving to U.K for further studies.
Mr. Singh guided the students of Amity School of Communication, talked about new media trends, developments and how to establish yourself in present media world. ASCo student M.Z.Zulfi, says “It was indeed very nice to meet such a senior. He showed rather guided us how to be successful in such a completive media world today”.
21/02/2010: Second year student of Amity School of Communication, T. Sukesh gets a scholarship from SPIC MACAY to work with Aruna Roy an Indian political and social activist. In the scholarship test conducted by SPIC MACAY, Sukesh stood up clearing both the rounds thus bringing laurel for his university as well as for himself.
Aruna Roy has served as a civil servant in the Indian Administrative Service from 1968-1974, before resigning to become social activist and working to empower villagers in Rajasthan.
She is best-known for her campaigns to better the lives of the rural poor in Rajasthan, and as the head of Mazdoor Kisan Shakti sangathana, which she founded in 1990, and which worked towards the successful enactment of 'Rajasthan Right to Information Act'.
In 2000, she was awarded with the Ramon Magsaysay Award in Community Leadership.
She was also one of the prominent leaders of the Right to Information movement, which eventually led to the enactment of Right to Information Act in 2005. In 2005, she was amongst the 1000 peace women from 150 countries, nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
While giving details sukesh said, “It was just like a dream coming true for me. I always thought of working for the society but never got a chance”. He further said, “but today SPIC MACAY gave me a chance to work with aruna roy , a well known social activist ”.
‘The motion picture today is the greatest medium of expression the world has ever known. It is capable of giving life and form to all ideas, practical and emotional ...Its only limitation is human ingenuity.’- John Seitz,
I am not personally interested in writing or knowing about the films or story behind the scenes but a request from one of my friends Mr. Imran Khan (well known actor of small screen) persuaded me.
It was an employee of Thomas Edison, Edwin Porter, who in 1903, created the first
The Dawn of Film Censorship
One of the very first films produced in the
Responding largely to the public and political pressure of the day, the U.S. Supreme Court officially denied motion pictures the same First Amendment freedom that was being given to the press, literature, and the theater. In deciding against the Mutual Film Corporation, they used the argument that films were amusements and not artistic works, a decision that would seem to instantly elevate the theater and the press to art forms! As a result of the Supreme Court decision film censorship boards sprung up in most states to make sure those films shown in their area adhered to their particular view of morality.
Almost 50 years later, the Supreme Court reversed itself, finally allowing films the same First Amendment protection as the other mass media. Even so, for several decades after this decision many state censorship boards hung on to their power over film content. Many would later redefine their purpose as being "advisory."
The Accidental Beginnings of Editing
In the early days, film action resembled a, simple, short stage play —continuous and not interrupted. This allowed a new film to be churned out every few days. It is said that the whole idea of instantly cutting from one scene to a different scene resulted from desperation on the part of a director one day when he had to stick to a very tight schedule. A mishap occurred while filming a particular scene and he didn't have time to start the scene all over again from the beginning — the normal price you had to pay for such problems in those days.
To keep from falling behind on the schedule the director just ordered the camera to stop until things were sorted out and then to start the camera and action again. Afterwards, the two scenes were spliced together. The director apparently hoped that no one would notice, or at least not complain too much. But after viewing "the mistake," it was concluded that the "lost" footage wasn't really necessary, and the jump in action actually speeded things along. By the late 1800s, it had become accepted practice to stop and reposition the camera and even to cut directly to a totally different scene in telling a story.
At this point there still wasn't sound or color. Dialogue initially appeared as full-frame text on the screen after actors spoke their lines. Later, the dialogue was superimposed over the picture. There was one major advantage of this "silent" approach: it was easy to change the dialogue into any language, which meant that the films could readily be exported to other countries. As we will see, this issue represented a major stumbling block when sound was introduced.
In the ongoing inter college soccer league at MNIT , Amity Footbal Club (AFC) defeated NIT Amirpur by 1-0. the only goal scored came in the

On 22nd feb 2010 , Amity university Rajasthan is organizing robotics league. there will be the presentation of the innovated concepts of electronic engineering. this event is open for all.
As you people are well acquainted with the auditions held in our campus. I know you people know it better than me… most of you even gave the audition. The students of AUR were super duper excited and tried to give the best. One and all wanted to get a chance but out of more than hundreds contestants only the best Neha Chabaria of BJMC-IVsemester got selected. Congrats Neha!! You are really the pride of Amity University Rajasthan. “Get ready to come to Mumbai?”, said Neelu (creative head, Sphere Origins). But still the final response is awaited from Neha.
Auditions went on for three long days. Every one seemed busy practising dialogues all the time for the try-out. Most of the contestants were upset as they did not get selected. But don’t loose your heart friends; production houses will now come again to conduct auditions in Jaipur on 19th, 20th & 21st of Feb. So, if you believe in yourself then what are you waiting for....try it out and showcase your talent Good luck!
oducer, Sphere
The Students also seem to be super excited. Today is the last day of audition and each one is keyed up and ready to bring out the actor out of him/her. Well, dude you have to be the best to get selected as they need only two girls and a guy for their serial. So try out your luck. Who knows when it goes the way you like… Wish you people all the luck… Act well.
Amity University Rajasthan announces admissions to the PG programmes 2010...(Times of India dated 17/2/2010 Pg. no-3).
The admission tests will be conducted at the following locations:
Photo Coutesy: Ankur Mahajan; Abhiroop Ghosh
Under the ongoing Amity Interaction Series, students of Amity School of Engineering visited Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute (CEERI) Pilani on 15th of February.
Amitians visited the BITS campus, Museum, Plasma Labs, Machine Shops, Electronic Lab and learn how to implement theoretical knowledge into practical aspects. Besides that, Amitians had an interactive session with renowned intellectuals from abroad, which would in turn help the students to know about the technicalities and ground realities in the technical field.
It was overall a great trip and students learned many things onboard this trip.
Amity Industry Interaction Series Lecture No.205 -Mr. Soumava Laha, Head, Supply Chain, Goodyear Tyres deliver lecture at
Amity Industry Interaction Series Lecture No.206 -Mr Ashish Mehta, Senior Director, Keane
Amity Industry Interaction Series Lecture No.207-Mr Vipul Goel, Head Marketing, Radico Khaitan, delivers lecture at
Amity Industry Interaction Series Lecture No 208- Dr. Rajan Mahan, Bureau Chief, NDTV delivers lecture at ASCO seminar
Amity Industry Interaction Series Lecture No 209- Dr. K K Rattu, Senior Officer, Indian Broadcasting Services delivers lecture at ASCO seminar
Amity Industry Interaction Series Lecture No 210- Mr. Prakash Bhandari, Sr. Correspondent, Times of
Amity Industry Interaction Series Lecture No 211- Mr. Rajnish Thapaliyal, Reg. Head, My FM, delivers lecture at ASCO seminar
Amity Industry Interaction Series Lecture No 212-A lecture on Optical Fibre – Introduction & Recent Advances by Dr. Vijay Janyani, Associate Professor – MNIT, Jaipur organized by Amity
Amity Industry Interaction Series Lecture No 213- A lecture (ABS) by Mr. Virendar Singh from Alembic on Changes in Global Scenario in Pharma Industry at ASE
Amity Industry Interaction Series Lecture No 214 – A
lecture by Mr. Sangam, IBM on “Project Review and Guidance for great Mind Challenge-2009”
Amity Industry Interaction Series Lecture No 215 –
Amity Industry Interaction Series Lecture No 216 – Amit
y Institute of Biotechnology organizes Seminar by Mr. Nishant Bhargava, Millipore India Ltd. on Water chemistry & Microbiology
Amity Industry Interaction Series Lecture No 217 –
Amity Industry Interaction Series Lecture No 218 –
journal "Span"
Amity Industry Interaction Series Lecture No 219 –
Amity IndustryInteraction Series Lecture No 220 –
AmityIndustry Interaction Series Lecture No 221 –
Amity Industry Interaction Series Lecture No 222 –
Amity Industry Interaction Series Lecture No 223 –
Amity Industry Interaction Series Lecture No 224 – Amity Institute of Biotechnology organizes Guest Lecture on Nano-Technology by Prof. R. P. Singh, Director of Nano-Technology, AUUP
Amity Industry Interaction Series Lecture No 225 –
Amity Industry Interaction Series Lecture No 226 –
Amity Industry Interaction Series Lecture No 227 – Amity Business School organizes Guest Lecture on “Soft Skills, Interview Techniques and Presentation Skills” by Mr. Nikhil Mathur, Ex-Manager, Trident Hotel, Jaipur.
Amity Industry Interaction Series Lecture No 228 –
AmityIndustry Interaction Series Lecture No 229 – Amity Law School organizes Guest Lecture on “What qualities employers are looking for and how to cultivate them” by Dr. Surat Singh, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India
AmityIndustry Interaction Series Lecture No 230 – Amity Institute of Biotechnology organizes Guest Lecture on “Mycorrhizae-Driving Force of Evolution” by Prof. Gerhard Kost,
Amity Industry Interaction Series Lecture No 231 –
Amity Industry Interaction Series Lecture No 232 –
Amity Industry Interaction Series Lecture No 233 –
Amity Institute of Biotechnology organizes Educational Tour to BITS, Pilani (For M.Sc & M.Tech students)
Amity Industry Interaction Series Lecture No 234 –
Amity Industry Interaction Series Lecture No 235 –
ASCo students in "Red FM"
About Us
- ASCo's Visit to ETV
- Justice Rajesh Tandon, Head of Cyber Tribunal deli...
- “Global Scenario in Service Marketing”
- Hat trick at Vivacity ‘10
- AKS – A skit Competition
- Alumni Visits Amity University Rajasthan
- Big Picture @ Amity University
- Amitian shines at scholarship test conducted by SP...
- In the beginning …
- AFC gives nail-biter to NIT and BRCM at MNIT
- 'AKS-2010' at Amity University Rajasthan
- Amity Robotics League in Amity University Rajasthan
- Cheers to would be TV star of ASCo, AUR
- Amity University Rajasthan announces admissions to...
- Industrial Visit to Pilani....
- Dr. V Sidhartha delivers lecture on - Science & Te...
- Solar Energy units to be soon installed in all gov...
- H. E. Alem Tsehaye, Ambassador of State of Eritrea...
- Emminent scientists and astronomers share nuggets ...
- Why does a Writer Write?
- A Letter To Myself
- Amity University Pictures....
- Bharat Ratna – Far Away From Reality…
- A visit to the Jaipur Literature Festival
Message from the Hon’ble Chancellor
Today, we are celebrating the inaugural function of Sangathan which has animportant place in our annual calendar. Sangathan which is a celebration of Amity students from across all campuses, provides a forum for interaction, caring and sharing and togetherness for all Amitians. It is a time when we all come together year upon year and we can measure the growth of Amity by the size of the event which increases annually. With so many students participating from every corner of the nation and many foreign countries Sangathan is a good example of how Amity represents unity in diversity.
Mr. Aseem Chauhan