The sleek stick filled with tobacco gives immense pleasure and honor to the holder rather say owner of it. It’s considered as a royal signature which adds a unique feather to the hat of glory. Probably the most demanding article in the market by the youth (future of a country) and asking for cigarette is a matter of great taste. The man having this stick in a hand is supposed as a paragon of personality and attitude. Not only man but now women are also showing the sign of real women empowerment and competitiveness by having such a taste of glory. When smoke from this sleekly killer stick creates beautiful white light cloud of fume which ask for the applause for the great deed. Isn’t it…?
But, this self-proclaimed stylish society forgets the other ordinary poor people present nearby. The innocent people, reluctantly becomes the passive smokersand inhales the poisonous style of royal smoker class. According to research held by WHO in 2010 the 11% of the lungs cancer cases occurs due to passive smoking and 7.5 % of the babies suffers from the asthma problem due to their surrounding smokers. These alarming figures may not wake up the royal smokers but at least it should be taken into serious notice. And they ought to realize that their stylish habit harming the others badly. Though the Indian government has banned the smoking in the public areas but still the royal smokers find the privacy to pursue their style.
The passive smoker always tries to shun the gathering of such royal class but it’s like making a hollow attempt of catching a star. Because out of every 100 college going youth 72 are smokers, the benevolence of these smokers rest 28 becomes the passive smokers. The royal smoker class for whom having a cigarette box in a pocket means more than a blackberry handset. They may forget to bring identity card of the college but not the cigarette box, theidentity card for the royal society of smokers. And theargument that smoking helps in thinking process although research says that nicotine affects the brain negatively.
We the passive smokers with due regard to thesethoughtful royal smokers rather royal customers of death wants to put up a very few genuine queries:
Why do they inhale when they want to exhale it again?
Why do they use filter when it anyways going to harm them?
Leaving these two queries in the note, the write hand on behalf of all passive smokers present the vote of gloom to the smokers and request to make us gratis from their poisonous web called SMOKING!!!
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on Wednesday, February 2, 2011
at 3:17 PM
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